Minutes 1927-08-17 zs~ ~ ~lrrayo ~rand~, Ca1 ~,f'~rzs.ia, Au~ust 17~h~ 7.927. Ca.-~y Counca.l m~~G ~.zi re~ular session. wi~h P,Iayor, F . ~ . B~mn~tt a.n ~hc chan~r . qn ro~ll cal.~. a~.7. r~embers of the Coune~_1 repor-Ged, pr~sen~. UnaPproved r~inut~s read wnd approved as r~ad. ~ co~rununication from 5acraman~o, refer~.n~ to ~he next mee~Ging of ~he Lea~;ue of Cal.a.i'ornia hiun3c~.palit~.es, was reacl and pla.cecl on fatle . A aonu~un~catxon from Ceca.l Ditmas, tivas read ~sl:in~ an exten- sian ~f time ai.n the matter of °~he connectai.n~; u~? ~he Se~rer an ~he prema.ses of Rasa, C. H~.sbrouck, also Fanni.e Gr~.mes ma~.e ~ apPl.~cati.on for ~~c~ens3~on of time for the aanneetion oP ~Ghe - Sewer with the Grimes prop~r~y, ~he tti~o re~tte~ts tvere ~ranted, an ex~~nsion of ~iMe from s~pte~ber~firs~, ~o Oc~aber . ~.*'S~3 ~ ~.Jry~ • . . ~ The fo11ow3n~ bills were allowed and ordered paid. - No. ~JB~, I~enne~-h Stewart, wark 'on City Ilall, _.~~.~__w g;dp . ~ , 9~39 ~ Joe It~.~l. ~ n n n ~ ].4.02 , 990, Sou~hern Yaca.fiC r;ii].lin~ Co. ~'~.m~er, 9.(?~ ` ~ 991, ~ Hawl~ins & ~i~.T7.er, P~.wcab~.n~ co~tracti, 8J:26 - . 9~2, rd~vatn $enrie~~, Z~orl~ an G3ty HaI~.; ^ $.50 ' 9~J3~ H1zoG CoX~ h n n n~__..»...__-~-- 22.30 ~ . " , J94, F . L . Brooks, " " " " paal~.~3ri~, .48 ..7.3 995~ A. Fo~nes~ n r? n rf 2~:5~1 . n „ ~l~C~ P. F. ~~~~~ar~s u ±t n n ~a4.~Q . ~ `~'0~~.7_ b31~.s~~.. --_~..~_~_.~_.~_,~_____.~__----..,H79.9 Na fur~Gher business ~.~pear~.n~ the mectin; ~va~ ad~ourned. - L__ ~ ~ : ~ti~est, , a~~.yor. C ty 7.er i v ~ 1 ~ d ; ~ ~ ~ r 31 1 ~ ~ 3 4