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Minutes 1927-09-07
' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Califox~n~.a, ~ Sep~emb~r '7t~h, 19~7. C~ty Counc~l~ me~ in re~u~.a~ session w3.~h laqayor, F. E. Bennet t in the aha~,r . ~c~i - - Un ro17. ca~.1, Counailmen Conrad, Cox and ~e reported - ~ pr~sent, Caan~~.lmari absent . Unappr6ved minui~s read ar~d appraved as read. ' Com~aunica~ia~.s read "ar~d placed ara fil~. ~ Report of Off3~cers, and T'l.umb~.n ~nspector, read shaw~.n~ a cash ba1 ana% ~.n ,~he Treas~xry af ~7.C ~3 . E;3 ~he repor~ ~re~e ~ a~aepted and placed an f~.le. The fo~~owi~~ bills Were a1lo~red and order~d paaLdr - No. 997, B. F. S~e~var~, Sa1Pr~: et~; -.__..___.._.~.~__w__~_~xU3.£i~ " ~98~, T~.C.P.S.Corp. S~reet s3~n~, ~ra~er Hydrants, ~ 29:30 ~ 9J~~ Coun~Gy o~' 58~. Luis db~.spo, Hea,l.th Unit, ~-w 2Q.00 " ~.U4Q, T. G. Adams, Blacksmi~h rrork, 2;~g " 1U01 ~ 5an~a ~iaria Gas Co , Street L~~h~s 78, QO " 1002, C. H. Branch Traff3~ Uffi~ex»' ~--_---r_------» 77,74 " I00~, Standar~d a~1 Co . 4~b1 asp~a.1 t, 16:7.8 1()04.! . C. "R. Pa~~.eraon, Traff~s Off~.eer, . 7:5D 1CJ66,. .1'a~ific Coa~ Ca~a~ _Co. ~e~ent; ~tc; ' 23:59 ,n 1f108;. ~'ac~.f ~c Coas~ Ra~.lway Co. Fre3ghty ' 12,J8 100'7; -p~tcif~.c Te~ephone Co: lelephone serv~ce; - "w ~,90 ' 1008y .b: Stew~~!~, Stree~ work, ' 100.0~ - .n 1009; FI. Q; Ste~ensan, S~re~~ worl~, ~~2:76 1O10a 8arcellos a.nd j'lar~an., Gas and O~T~ eta; "~8,99 10-11,__ John nardin, Gravel for Nall 'and 'Vau~.~, " 11U:88 . " Tota1 b~.lls, _~.~..._~w_~:_____~._ ~ hi ~v`~- The C1.erk was ins~r~d~Ged ~a~not~.c~s prin~ed fvr the ~ P1~b3.n~ Inspectvr to serve na~ices on delinq~en~ house~o~ders in aonne~t3ng up wi~h the s~Wer. No further bus~.nes~ appear~-n~ ~he meet~.ng was ad~o#zz'~'a~d. . C- ~y e~ ~ Attest, , k:Iayor. • , ~ t , ~ . ,I i ~ r ~F_ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ti1 h , _ . ~,~,J., ..tiw. ~ _