Minutes 1927-10-05 . ~ 7:~8 ~ ~ . _ ~ Ar~oyo ~rand~, Ca~3farnai.a, ~ O~~ob~r 5~Gh, xJ27. C:i~y Coilnc~.l met ~n re~ula.r sESS~on wi~Gh A~ayor, F. r. S~nae~t 3n ~he chair. On ro11 ca11, Caun~x~.men Cox, Poo1e and Nobley repor~ed presen~, Councilman Conrad, absent. Unapproved m~nutes read ~ns a~prov~w a~ f'~µu. '1'he repor~G €~f th~ C3ty Tr~asurer ancl r~L ~y C1 erk ~ read, sho~vin~, a bala.nce of cash in ~hc Trcas~a.ry of :';>1017.70 the P1u~~,bin~ rzz~~~~~or rePorted 15 sewer co~znec~ions, s~.nce 1a^t rn~oi1~G . ~ 'I'l~e fo7.loivin~ b~.l1s were a~lowed and ordered ~~,id. - No. 7.~1~, Tiarcellos and ntor~an~ Truck supplic:~, ~]..FO 4 1p13, A Y'), Stetvart, Street ~vc,-k, _..-----___r_--- 88.OQ tr XG1.~~, ~Ym. U1~.c~.,~~ ?~,,^ii~~-~~1~ 5~Y`ee~s, w___-~__.~~_~.~~_ ?"':~0 n 10X5 ~ P.C .Caal C~ . 7~izznb~r~ ..-_______..___M____~._.._ 3~ ~ ~f ~C~1(', i,:. C e??. S. Corr, I~~.~~_u ~~a~~r e~c; -~14:~4 " 1[~1.7. H. (3. c~e~~~~rsan~ ry~ree~ Svorl~, ~?,~5 " 7 J1~, Hotivard Ia`cCaT~e, Stip~lics~ ~x:10 , ,Tele llone Co. ele-,ione serviae :~;75 r? 1q19 p i ~7" ~ r~ 10~?Q, Cot~n~y. _of .T, . H~alth Un~.t, ?0:00 " 10?x~ San~~, 1"ara.a :;as Co. :~~ree~G '~~.~;h~s, 78:f5 n 102ry, J. N. Ba,rd3n, Ga.s aY1d ~~~1, ....~..____..r.,w.~...._ ].2:15 " 1~23, .~1.~er~G ~~'obes, 5trce~ troarl., _---~--~---_..M...._- lp:~±(? " 1024, Chas Fx . ~~c~ancli, 75:00 ~0~5~ A. CaYl3sle & Co.~:Cfa.ce surp~.le;;, ~:03 " 1.Q2~, B. F. Ste~rart, ~~.?ary and Pos~Ga~;~e, 10ti:~0 " 1U~'"1, lI.Q.P~~unbin~ Co. TY~rin~ Va,ult~ ;:,,~3~~ ~Gw~, PT, ~9~.1ILer~ ~treet worl~, 1:C~0 ~1~e~c1,Z J -.........~.~~..,.,.~~r.~~.......-~-~-~~.~~..,~^~., e~?i~ . O ~ Smme Gentlei?~exa I~epre~ei~i;in{~ vara-ous ~ra,c~ors, ac~.c?res~ed the ~3aarcl, in l~e,~-~,rct to ~~~e ~ua~lificat~ons of ~h~yr 9ara~ous r.?a,cIc~.nes, ~ L~vas st~.tQC? Y~y t~~e ~;ot~ixc~l ~hut the~ wv~.~1c1 t~.l~e t11~ ~n~.~ter unc~cin ~c?_viseme3~t . f `~r. Nu~ent of' ~he ~ra~:~~r ~claonl adc~res~~~ the ;:oun~il ~i~h v3etv of hava.n~; the connec~a.n~ L~r o~' the ~~hoo1 ~at o~~ i'or ~~_..~.i,~~, as t,I~e :,aarc~ ~as c;onte:-~pla~~tng the bniZc~3.r_g ~ of a ne~ ~ahoal nouse, ! 11~c ~rarnmar Schoal was ~ranted t~.mc. l -~Io~her;.~,: a~~~ed a~uto ~;he ~;rad~n~; af Nortk~ P~awon Str~~~. Na further busxness appear3n~ ~he mee~~.ng ~vas aajourned. ~ Ci 3T C erl~~ _ ~t~es~, , i:a~ or. ,