Minutes 1927-10-19 17~
Arroyo Gr~,nc~e, Cal~fcar~~ia; ~
Qc~ok~ex' 1'Jth, 1~'27.
C~ty Caunc~.l z~e~ in re~;;ular session ~r~~h Aiayor
r. Ii~. Sei~net~ a.n the chair .
On roll ca~1., Gnunc~.~.z~en Cax, Pool~ ana I~ob1e r~pnrted
presen~, Council:~an Ccn~°wc~, aLsent .
Unapproved minutes read and approved as reac3.
ARcved wecor_c~~d and carrie~;. ~hat the Off~tce of C~.-~~
Recc~rcler nr J~~~e, be c~~clarea vacan~.
I~ioved and secandecl i~hat n~. R. Swa11, be appoi.nted. C~.u~
J:.~~,e, Tla~ a+iotion w~.s carried and D~r. Swa11 was ap~?o~.u~ec~
Ca t~* Jz;c~.~e, 1b~ the fol7~ow~n~; vate,
Ayes, R~ayor Hsnnet~, Gauncilmen Co~z, Poole and Noble,
Noes y Gei,ina~lmen., None, .
Abs~nt, Co~.incil.man Conrad..
I' RI,~S~LUT~ON No . 1-~~, ( n~:w s~ries )
' A resolu~ian of ~Ghe Ci~y of ~rroyo Grande, f~.xin~ ~he
'f compensa~ion af the '~ax Col.lec~or for the collec~;xon af a11.
~ i?tan~es, due the C3t,y, be~3nning 11iay 1st ~ 1~27, and ending
~~ay ~s~, ~928.
The ;eso~.li~ion was ixa.~r~tduaed Uy Counc~lrian C. S. Nobl~,
j a.nd was ea.rriec~ by ~Y~e foll.ow~.n~ v~~~
Aye~; B~n~et~, Cox, ~'oole ana Noble.
'i Noes; None,
. Abser~i~ ~ Conrad.
p rto furth~r btasir~ess appearii-~~;, ~he meet~n~ t~as acl.jotarn~d.
' Ci~Gy Clerk.
f Attes~~ 1!iayor.
~ .