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Minutes 1927-12-21
- .T.. . . . . . . . . ~."74 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ Arro,~ a G~arde, Ca].~forn~a, ~ Ded~mber 21s~, 1~ti7, Ci~;;* Coun~il me~ ~n reg~.~ar so ,~om ~ith a. S. Noble, . ac~~Gi~~g ~;iayor in ~,h~ ch~.ir . G~n roll sall, Counc~lrnen Cox,Poo~.e, Cax~r~.c~ and Noble, reported, present, I~iayor Bennett, abserit.. UnapproTed m~nntes read and aprroTed as r~a~.. On I~o~~aa~ of Poole, se~ond~d '~y Cc~g:, was a~dered i~hat #~he C~.~y buy i~he ~aso7.~:~e tan.k of ~he ~i~a.~dard O~L7 Compa~iy, ax~d aa~ep~ ~he ~ax~~ra~~, prese~~ed b~ the S~GandarQ 0~1 Co . ~he fal~aw3.s~ b~.l.1s were a1lv~red a~d vrdered pa~d. ' No. 1U~~, Pac~f~i~s Telephnne Co. __w____~.~~..~__.~_______„~ 3.10 1063, Jaak Seh~.yder, Blaek~sm3~h wor~, 18.50 Ta~al,~w----___________,~---------------.. , The Board order~c? ~he,>~ran~P~r of f a~ads ~'ram ~he Grose I',eseip~~ to the ?a~~ous f~nds as fo1~.~~s, - ?~orc~ Red. F~nd of 19~1, ~ 38~.84 - - 5ewer Dc~Md -Red. ~n~ • Fund, 1700,00 ~ 5ewer Imp. Band~, 3142,2F5 - ~aor~a ~ted. In~. fta.~cl,, oP 19~3, (~15:11 ~ ~o~a~ amo~n~t transfere~, ~84 , , ~ Ci~y C er , - Att , , 11t yor. - - - - ~ . i i ~ ~ i, 14 i