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Minutes 1928-01-04
9 , J.~~ + f .~irrv;yo Cr. ancle, t%a,liforn~ta, .Tanuar,y ~ th, ~.r"?i~. Ga~t,~~ Cri~rr,17L r~et i.?~ .re; ~~lax se~szon r~i~h . 1. Carzr~,c~, . <~ctin~; =;:a~:;~or ~i_~,. ~;1: -r, cYa~ir . E)~1 roll. c~i1.1., uouz~cilr~en, Conr~.c~, Cox ar_cl 1'aa1e, rePort~d ~resent, ]~enYle~t azzc~ Noble, absent. _ Uz~a~provea ~;i_7n~~;es reac7. a~~d apPravecl as read. I:ePart of Trea,surer ~7~c~ C1~~r G1erI~, sho~ved r,asl~~ ~.~alance i~~ t}Ze ~l~'I'2c`1..~'r.III'~~ oi' ~,~~iri1."~'~, ~~ie repart~s v~e c~,cee}~~ec~ s~zx ~ :.L'?"lt~ P~. ~ C CCi UIl ~':1.~. . ~'l~e fo7.lo~i~~i.n~; 1~3_l1s ~~vex~e a1.lq~orec~. and orc~ered ; ai~l. 1~C~, J . . ti>ahnyder, S31.ac:i:;~:~it~~ ~vork, ~ ~3 . 1QFs6, D. ~~.e~v~.ri;, :~~reet ~vork, ~~9;00 1.OFF, A1Uert ~'o~,~ew, ,_,~,.reet ~vort., ~'a0.~0 1~`l~~7, C~as . H. Iir~.nch, Tra~'f3c Officer, ~~.50 lOf?~, T. ~1c~.~.~x~~, `?1nc'>smit~i ~varl~, 4~?,35 ' lOf~n, Y. C. Coal ~;o. T~tz~nbe~ aizd Gem~n~, ~_~3,tiQ 1~E~9~, . S~,etva,r+, [:a1.~.r`~ ancl posta~,e, ~._____w___~. ~01:35 107'~, Cv.~n~t;~° o~' ~a.z~ L~xis Lba~s~a, ~Iea1.t1~ tina~t, 20.Q0 1071~ ~~~?~~a ~~-aria ~a,s Co. `;trcet L2~hts, --__..~.~.__w_ 7~'.1~ 1~7`', ~ta.nclara Oi1 ~o • Gaso~.ene, --__~._______r_~..._-- 3~3;53 ~.ri'7~3, E'~rraVo Urande, ~ommerca~al Co • ~'~int, 1.C1. ~0 1Q'7!~, Pac~f ic e~ ~~~hozle Go . `1'el ephone ~~ervice, _w___ ~ . ~5 10'75, L;rizzles ~:tor~, C9ff iee s~zpplies, 3.?0 - 1C~7'~~ i~~.C,!'.~.C;or~. %a.~~:i;~N zti~~er et~;. ~3~.41 1~'7'1, 1i . f~ ~even:~ori, ~7~;rce w{YOY'':, 1~0: r50 .i~~*[`~.,i. .)1~ wc1~ .n~~.n;t9~[7V~'';pF.+ ' 76o~.i7.eva,rcl ~~to~ C~rc~in:a,rce ::~.s _?~i_sc~ssed, and the Clerk ~va.s instructec~ to checl~ ov~r :~a.~e . No furtlier R~ti~siness ag~pearns.~; ~11e r~ee~Lix1~; ti~:~.N a1journcd. it,y C~.erl~. ~ , -a,y o x' . AttBst - ~ ~ ' I r , a a ~