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Minutes 1928-02-15
7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arraya Grande, Cala~~'orn~.a, Febr~ary 18~th, 192$. C~~y Caune~atl me-~ in re~ralar s~ss~on ~3~h ~ayor F. E. Bennet~ in tMe shair. On roll aa11 a11. members of the Cnun~31 reported, prese~~. On req~es~ vf ~he City Clerl~, tbe read~n~ of ~he - ~ m~na~es, was laid OTC;r to ~he nex~ mee~3n~;. . Cam~m~n~ea~iuns fror~ ~he Lea~e o~' M~an~c3pal~.t3~s, ~ and o~~er sa~ra~s ,~rere read anc~. pl aced on f i]~ e.~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ Resv]~~.'~io~ No . ~-A, - I:esol~~~.on provi.din~ t~a~ ~wo . pr3nted ca~ie~ c~f a7.~ . Ord~,r~an~es shall be s~nt ~a the Lea~.e of Ca13.for~n~.a ~iunie~pa~it~.es . . . . RESOLVLrI?, bg the • Cit,y . Co~nc~.1 0~ the Cit~ of Arrc~9o - Grande, tha~ the publisher of ~he off~~3.a1 r~~~spaper ~ of ~aid C~.t~y be a~.d ~e ~,s~ hereby reqaested ~o mail ~wo pnf$~ed ~op~.~s of a1.1, ordiatiian.~es ~er~after p~bl~tsbed i~ - said ~`ilsKSPaper ~o ~he Lea~ae oF Califorriia h~m~.~.~s~.pa~.i~ies, Cha~ie:ery B~.ild~ng, San Fran~~,saa, RE~30Lq~D, tlaa~t the Ci~y C~.erk be and h~ 3~s h~re'~y 3.ns~ructed to s~nd a svpy of ~hats r~sal~t~.on ~a said p~b~, ~ sber . . Pass~ed a~c~ adap~ed th~.s 1bth, day vf ~ebrnary, 19w~. erk. ~ No f~erther b~.sinesso appeari~?~; fshe meet~n~; was as,jo~tr~x~d. . ~ ~ ~ C ~y C er ~ . ~ At~est, ~ 1~1a o~. ; _ .3'. . ;r 't i ~ , . . . . . . ..,..~~e„_.,~_.....~~__._. . . . ,`.:~..._~_.~.w~ ..~._,.::.....ns:~..._. ~-.__._,_,~.r