Minutes 1928-03-07 1 Arraya C~rande, Califor~~lia, Itlarah '7~h, 1~25 . Ci~,y ~a~naiZ me~ in re~,lar session wa.th Ptixayor F. L. Sennett, presiding. On r~11 ~a11 Co~~a~eilmen Bennett, CoA, Conrad, and 1 oole, repor~ed presen-~, Co~nc~ailman ~ob1e, absen~. U~aa~aProved min~~es read and appro'~d as read. Officers repor~, ~'lumbin~ ~nspe~~or C.~~.~4iosher, reported ~(l hotases c~onnected wi~h thE aewer ~.a.n~e 1a.st report, City '~'e~orc~cr Sti~rall r~port~d six aases disposed of as follows~ f~.n~s c.ol~~ted, $31,~0, G~~y C1~r1: ancl Treasnrer rel mri~s baZance of cas~~ ain th~ treasttry of ~2532.~J4, ~he repprts were a.~aeP~tec~ and ~l~,eed on f'11E. ThE fallojvin~, bi~1s were a1lo~ecl and ordered pa~.d. ' No. 10n0, P~~. R. S~va1I, Cit~ ~~3d~e fees, ~ 2~:00 " 1091, Sarea~llos ar~.d r~zorgan~ $al, on Trae'~or. . ~'~3;94 n 1~~2, Albert obes, ~~Greet worl~, F~; OQ " ~.0~3, X3. 0. Si~evemsor~, ~f " .._..___....~w______--_- 2~,25 " ~034, ~anta 1"ar~.a Ga,s Co. ~~Greet L~.~;h~s, _.~~..w__~._-- 7J.13 " 1095, C. H. I~ra.nah, Traffi~ ~ffiser, -----_~,~r__..~.__ 72: ~0 1,096, ~taiac}~rd Uil ~o . ~~ayment on ~a~,~rac~, 2.9b " xQ9'7, I~aa 1 e1 e~laone Con. Tel. ephone servi~e, w: c~g " 1098, G~,r1~.~l.e & Ca • stati.o~~ry, w---~--~--M--__.~.~__ ~,U;~5 ~r 1~~'c?, I). ~~a,te~ar$, S~reet ~~rork~ _~_~w~._..__w~..~__,.._~, g2,00 ~ " 1.100, Pacif3c ~oas~ Coal Co • Lramber, 3:(~4 " 1101, ~Yest side Gara.~~e, casin~ for trt~~l~, ~1;00 " ~.x02, B. F. Stewart, ~'alar,y and posta~e, 1~1;30 " 1103, Co~~nty of San Ln3s Ubispv, Hoa7. tM ~M3~ n0: QO " 1104, J. J. ,Sd~uxyder, Bla~~~sm~.t,y wor2c~ ~i:90 " 1105, 14~.C.I'.~.Corp. L~~hts, ~ydrants, fl~sh tanks, e~e 40:fa8 " 11Q6, Ha~vl~.ins and Dl~ller~ Hardwar~, ,Et~• -._______w.._ ?O.~b ~ ota 1 s, ~ . ~t'he ~ity C1erIr xntroduG~a ~he Pallowi~.~; Not3~e of I{,lection, A'o-~3~e is tiereby ~iven, ~hat a General i~~xnic3pal ele~tion wi~~. " helcl. in the City of ~lrroyo Grand~, , on P,londay ~he 9~h~ day uf ~ ~pra~.l 1928, ~'ar ~he ~~rpose of ele6tin~ the follow~in~; offa.aers~ r:o • 1, ~hree ~o~u1c~.lznen, far th~ f~.11 ~erm, ' P~o • 2~ 2 City Cl er?~, ]~p • 3, ~ Gity `i'reasur~r, T~ere $i~l be one vota~ra.~ pres3net, for the p~rpose of ~a.old~ng said ~,eneral m~in~icaa.pal ~1e~t~on, aons3stin~; of a co~tsolidat~on af ~ ~he re~,~lar ~le~;tion prec~~n~ts, far t~~~ holci.~.n~ af ~tate and ~ Co~n~y e7,ect3.ons a~ fallows; , ~ansol~.datea Votin~ ~ire~xn~ts- consa.dt~n~ of ata~e a~d Ca~.n~y preesaina~Ls iz~mber Gz1~: az~~ct t~ro, and ~he ~o~in~; p1.aeE ~h~reof sha11 be ~Me Ga.ty ~a~.l. "1'he pol l s~v~~.1, be open betwe~n the ho~rs of 8 U~10~1~, .i~i . and fr O~~:bgI~ ?'.A:I. .`~i~;ned, n . F . Stewart, c~~y C1~rz~. The Pv1lo~ra.n~ p~rsons were appoa.nted by tMe Co~neil, f o ~Iie p~~rPose of e~ond~,~ci;ing ~he ~,~neral m~ni~a3pa1. ~1 e~t~.on, • to bE helcl. on dpril 9~r~i, 1~28, I~i1~.y C. Cas~~~l, Inspe~~ar, . Lydia C . Conraa, dticl~,e, Lestra I~yte, C~~rk~ llruaet~e ~"hi~~oel{, ~1erk. No f~~rt~~er b~s~ness a~p~ar~n~; ~he r~~etxn~, was ad~oar~ed. C~.t,y 1er1~, A~tes~, ~ r.~~Ya r