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Minutes 1928-03-21
~ ~~8~ ~ ~ Arrayo Granc~e, Ca~. ~if ornia ~~iLI"~~1 i.r1.1S~r ~ ~ C3ty Co~na~l m~t in re~~~,ar sess3.on w~t~. hiayor F.• L~ . Bennet~ ~.n ~Ghe e~~ia~r . On rol~. sa21; al.l meml~ers of the Co~n~~1 reper~ed, pre~en~. ~ UnappraTed min~tes read and appro~ed as read. A~'~er a disdu~~sa.on of tl~e - S~reet prob~ ems and c~r~ ma~ion ~he rneet~n~ was ad~oxrn~d. _ i . _ ' - y er ~ . . - At~es~ ~ - , ~~ayor . - ~ ~ _ . . ~'R . E - ~ - ~ ° ~