Minutes 1928-04-04 18l ~ ~"~~rro3~o Grancle, Ca1:~forni~,, ~pril 4~Ys, 1`~`?~ . C~ W;~~ Co~;nei~. met rek c~~a.r sess~.on tiv3.th ~,Tayor .?..Len:zei, ~r ~k~e ~i~air . Gn ro7.1 calT , Co~.neilmen I3ennet~, Co~, Conrac]. ana I'ao~ re;~c~~•~E*~ ~.Sen*, Ca~.incilman 1~'oble, a~sent. Un~,i~p`ra~~c'. r~3_~~.t~s re~~~L'. a.31G. a~~rov~c~ as reacl. Commltn:i.eata.ons rea,t~ and placed on fil.e. C~.~~r G1erl: C~t,y Treas~zrer ~.ne' Cit,y J~.dg~;e, rendered report~s, , as ~'Q~~QZYN, Clerk and Treas~arcr rei or~ ~ casl~ ~.r~ the Tr~asury ~;~~.5'7f3.3~.,Cit,y J~ad~e reports 9~ases cl~.s~7osecl of by ~zi~~, and 2zis el~e~P: a,ttacxlec~. rv~.tYi ~~2,50 col~ecte~. as i`a.nes, t~~e repor~s ti~rere ac~~pted ancl p].a.~ed an f~i~.E. The f o11 p~vin~; l~ill s~vere ~c11. o~vec~. a.nd orderec7. paacl, ~ No. 1107, i". It. ~r+ra11, ser~ices as C~.t~,T J"ud~c, 4~ ~'7.00 rr 110~, I'ac. TelePlione Co. ~i~ele~r~one servi~e,---__,._.~___ ~.2(3 ].109, CarY~:~1~ Co . Uffie~ ~tr~~?1~es, --~--_.~w_____ ~2~.5g3 " 11~~, T'. ~tewart, ~:a]~a.rf and posta~e, ' ~n~ . ~p " 1111, ~;ta.n~.arc~. Oil Co . Gasolene and Ui1 w3.45 1~1ry, .~anta .~T~.r~~. Gas Co . ~~reet li~hi;s, ~~.73 " 1113, Hor~~~rd_ 4. ~,xcCa,Ue, Fia,rdrvare etc; 2~.c~~ " ~.114, Catu~zty o~ ~an L~:ais (ibis~o, Ilealth contra~t, ~G,00 " 11~~i, Y. G. HawLans, ~~~reet ~vark, ~~;~C r~ 111(~, F' ~ . ~~~ewar~:, ~'treet ivorI~:, ~.E?4.00 " 111'7, iilbert I{'o~es, ~treE~ wori~, 44,Q0 " 11~.~3, ~1~ ~ o~ro [;railcl.e, Com' 1 Ca . P~,ir.t ~`ru~~he~, C.55 rr 1118, I3arcellos i~-or~an, Iie~a.a.r c~n Tra~~Lar, e~G~; ` " 1~20, Geara.az~, :i~,ueaa, ~epain on Tr~~k, ,~.~5 „ 11.21, 1'aca~~ic Coast Coa~. Ca . Lrar_iber, ~;18 " Y12?, H. C~. ;~tevenson ~'tree~ tivorl~, ?4.50 n 11.~?3, C. Ii . Branch, ~~raffaLc (;i'fic.er, 77' .5~ . n llw4, P.Aa~cllancl Cotlnties F'~t7~1~.~ Ser. CarP. j3'ater, L~s 3~3.(33 To~a~ l~~lls, ,7?~.~: The follotiva.n~; lt~saltztipn dv~.s presentECl anc~. Passed. RTi~~C~LUTIU2; Nq • 3-xa I ~ resol~~a.an of ~Ll~e C~.t,y of ~~rrojro Granae, f iz.in~ ~he salary of ~~1~ Ci~y C1erZL a.ncl Ca1~.eci;or, re~;innin~ i,T~.y 1st, :1~32v, ~'f~~ ~(~~,VI~~D ~he Ca.ty Co~.nei1 of tl~le C~ty af hrrv~ro urand~, t~3at ~I~e sal.ary ancL expenses of ~I~ie City Clerli a.nc~ Colleator, ~e and t~ae sane a~s herelay fixed at .~130.Q0 per r.aanth, be~~nna~n~; i~ay ~,st, 1J?~3, sa~c~ exPens~s bexn~ pos~a~,e, pens, 1I11r an~ ~elaails. The #esol~:i~;~on tras adopi~~cl 1.~}* ~l~e fallo~va.n~; vate, ~~yes, Ca~inca~lz~en, I+' .Benne~~ , II .I~~ .Cox, j~' .r1.Canz~ac7, ~.nc~ t;' .C .Popl e, ~taes, Ca~~.~zc~.lr~ezi, ~vone, ; ~~~asent, Coltn~a.l~~an, N'a~~.e. C' ~,y ~x' i, h1o f~{rther l~~~s~ness appea.rin~ _ ~ t~a~ meetin~ was aci.jo~xrnea. . ~tt~s~, ~ ~ , P.~at~or. ~ ~ C11',yr C1 G'Y' ~ . , ~ ' ~ ~ . _ ~