Minutes 1928-04-16 1S2 ~ ~irroyo ~rande, Ca13t'arnia, ~pri~ lfitla, ~.h~8. ~ C31~y Cot~ne~.l m~t in s~ee~ial sess3,on w~th REayor I'.P.Bennett 3.~. tbe ~ha~r. Qn r.oll eall,, .a11 members af the q~anca.~. repori;~d, gresen~ . - T~e ~iayor sta~ted the o~i j ect of the~~vas ~~,n~ass the ret~rns o~' t~ie ~~neral ~,i~n~.a~.p~1 e1e~~~.~an held on the ~t~, da,g of. Apr~.1 1928, and after a ear_vass of ~GI.e re~~rns, t~ae Clerl~ Present~d the fol].nw~.n~ i~esol~tion. , i. ~ TII~ CUUNCIZ GF T~xL C~TY OF ~7.RRpYO GR.~NnL~ ST~TL OF CA~TFORT6T~19.. ' R~~ULUTTON pL~CLARTNG nl~:~iTLT OF ~L~CT~DN . . •;'~I~'I'.E1~.~ , a~;eneral m~n~Q~pal election wa,s helri. and eorsd~tgted ~L'~? thc C~.'Gy of Arroyo Graxa~de, on ~Ianc3.ay tl~e 9t~a, aay of ~pri1, 19?~, as req~.3rec1 by law, ~ AN,A ti9~i~TtI~AS, appea,rs tk~at notiae af sa~,.-'.. e~est3,oa~1 .v~as .~~l~;~~:~and 1e~aX1~ giTen, ~l~a~ Yc~ta.n~; presa~n~ts were properly es~abl3s~ied, ~Y~at e1e~i;~.o~r at'Fiders ive~*e .appo~.nted and elee~~3~on s~aPplies .ftlrnished, a~~iri. ~ tP~au. ~n a.l~ respe~ts ~aid elestinn was ~~1d a.na ec~r_~~?~c-i,e~. ar_~. ~he . Tateas e~ast therea~ reee~Ted and ~anvassECl, aMk t,~e ret~~rns -tmereof made and ~lec~l.~.red -~n -~~me, f.or`~ ~,n~ manazer,- as reqizi~er~. b~ t~e ~eneral laws ot' the `~tate ~o~ern3ng ele~~~ons in Cities of the ~'~3.ft~a ~,nul~ ~~xt~ ~las~, ~N.D 1'lH~~t~1~S, ~G~Q rfl*:x?e~~: o#' -sa~d C3.~Gp met at the ao~r~~~l •~~amber th~r.~af on -~,ianc~a~, ~he l~~h, day of !~pr3]. y~1J28, to ~~a~va.ss t~e re~G~rns of sa~d e1:~s~-ion, a.nd ~n~t~ll the nesvly ele~ted o~'f~e~rs- a~d. hav~n~ ~a~Ya~sed -e~-a~d ret~rns, t~e sot~nc~il f~Lnds ~Mat ~he `n~m~,er af To~es ~ sast:~ ~he name-s of th~ ~ersons voted f~ori, and o~her r~a~~er~ reqnired . by ~.aw, tc? be aas l~ere~tna,.f~G~r sta~ed., naw t~erefore, . . ~T RrSOL9~, ~,s fQ3~~.-o;vs; .T~a~ sa~.d re~~lar I~~~i~~aipal . ~1-es~~3on was held arrd. ~oa~dm.a~ed ~:n t~e C3~y of ~rroya Gra~de, ar~ P~raz~d.ay ~G~ie 9th,. day. ~f I~Pril 19~8,. ~n ~~e, far~a ana maY~ner, as reqm3n~d '~g ].aR; That tF~ere ~~was one ~0~3~.~; -~re~ei~~~ ~s~abl~.s~ed ~'or tit~e p~rpc~se o~' ho7.dir~.~ s~.~~d. ele~~~on, ~ons3stin~ of a ~aonsol~,datio~. of th~ ~~gRla~ elestion preo~ns~~s es~,abl~.s~~ed ~'or holding ~~:nera~. ~~~~te ati~d Cotin~Gy elee~~ions as fol.lows; , y Co~,solid~~~~. ?o~in~ preein~t 'rl~" comy~ris~.n~; ~tate` and Coant,y pres~nats ~ne and two; ' Tha-~ the ~rhole n~~m"~er of vates ~ast ~.n sa~.d C3ty was ~'7~, That ~he names of ~he p~rsans vc~t;~c~ f'or the o~'fic:es for wh3.eh they . w~re vo~ed, the n~~mber of ~beaTC~~Ges ~,iven ~n pre~~na~t 'Go ea~b af • sa~.d. persans, to~e~lzer ws~h the ~~~ol.~ nramber of votes Whi~h ~hey reae3.~ed ~.n ,~he ent~.~i•e Ci~y aare as ~'ol~.otivs; . ; VAT~S ~t~Ci~TV~D Name af person~ U~F'f3c~ Tat~d fvr 1'resi~~t T.v~a1 ~nted far - ~ , . ~ E Ber~aet~~ F.E. Cotinsilman f~17. term, n~tt ~1 . Comra,ci. ~V n n n ~,Q1 Loom~S T .A.. n r, _ n __w ~38 i Nior~an ~.IwT. n n " 131 k Polple tiV.C. n n " 1~"1 i ~ Stewar~ l3. F. G~~,y Clerk, " ~,29 ~ ~wa11 h:.R. n r M . ~ ~ i G31~son s.~ _____w_~. C~,~y Treas~.rer n ~B ~ S~eNrart B.F.-_..~.___W___ tt ~ n _ ' ~ Swall A:.R. r' ~ ~ I3al~eman 'L . --__....w___..~. u ..~_r.~_~__ ~ Wh~~lo~k tiV.T..... n H , Con~inx~d to pa~;e I83, , . _ ~ --_.~.._~...ti.~ - on ~.n~ed fron: a e 1~2 p C t ~ ~ RL~ULVL~, i;herefDre a~ s~.~.c~. ~;eneral m~tnac~,~,~.7. elec~ion I;.~.'..~;1or;~an wa.s elec~ecl Go~.nc~.ln:~n af sait7. C~1:~ of ~lrroyo Grancl~, far ~GI~e f~ill term of fotar STears. 1~IaSU, tha~ C'~.C.Poa1e was elec~ed Co~iricilman. of said C~.'~y af ~.rro;;~ Grande, far th~ f~.~11 ~eran of fo~~r pe~.rs. s'~L~O, t~at"i .A.Cvi~racl was ~7.ec~~ea Co~:~ncilriaM of sa~.d C~~,y of ~rroyo Gra.nde, for tl~e ~t;ll term of-fo~r years. .~:.L~~O, ~Ilat F. ute~vart, was eleete~ Cx~,y Clerl~ of sa~c~ Cit,y of ~.rroyo f~ a,n~.de, far the ~'~.1~. terr7 of . fo~~r years . ~~,~D, that ,~.~.Ga.l~son, wa,s .electec7. to t13e afi'~.ce of C~-ty Treas~rer oi' t~ae G~.ty nf tlrrayn Grande, for t~e ter~:~ af fai~r years. -'1'he C1.erl. shaY~. en~ser on ~he recar~s of the Cot~neil a s~atem~nt of tkze resta.lt a~' t~~e e~eci;3on, sholv~.n~~.,,~ (1) ~he ivha~e n~~r~'~cr of ~o~;es ~ast ' in sa~c~ C3~~ ) t~~ae ~ca~zes af t~~e persons votecl far (3 )~he affice wl~ich ~eaeZ~ person ~~r~~ vai~ea far ) tlze n~irlber of votes ~~,ve~~, at each pre~~.Ma~ to ca~l~ of s~e~.e~1 ~crson~ ~~l~e num~er of voi;e~ ~i4en ~.a7 sa~cl Ci~Gy to ea~Iz of sa~d~ ~~~rsons, t~e terr_7 for ~vl~i~I~ t,l~~.y were e~.ea~:ed. T, tMe ~~~zc~~r~i~;~ed, ]~erelay certify t~~zat ~t~~ far~~,o3~ng T~es~l~~tian ~ ~ iv~.s auly a,nd re~,tilarly 3n~rodtieec~ a.ncl adaptec~ l~~s tize C~.ty Co'~rn~~.I af t~ae C~.t,y af ~rroya Grande at a. spec~.al meet~.n~, ~ie1e~. l~~ri1 16~Iz, 1~?8 by th~ follotiv~.n~; vote, : . ~'1,yes, Counai7.nien Iie:~nett, Cox, L'~~nracl, Poole anc'~ rToble, itoes, Coti~c~.lr,aen., Alone, ~lbsen-~, Cat~neilmen r,one . ~n %es~~,a~yy~o~-~y tivhereof, T l~ave I~ere~~n~a se~ r~,y hand and aff3xed t~e affi~za~. seal of sa~.d Cit~ th~.s 1Fth, c~.a,p of ~.pr~1., 1928. ~ ~ . ~gY er There ~aein~ no fi~rtlzer b~siness to 60~E before i~he meetin~; anc~. , on ".?;o~ion ~he r.~eet~n~ ~ras ac~.~ at~rziecl. _ Att~~~, ~ ~~J , :.~ayor . C~.t~` C~ erk . ~ . ~ . m. . . ~ . ~.84 ~ ~lrrnyo Crande, Calat.forn3.a, , _ ~~pr~1 1f~t1~, 1928. ~ The new G~Lty Ca~an~31 m~~ a~ 8.30 (~~loc~~, af~er the adjonrn7ment oi' the old Co~ancs3,~., and praseedecl ta or~a~niz~ ~y ele~tiin~ L. l~i. Aiar~an as temporar~ Cha~.rm~n.. . Tlae ~ha~.rm~,~l ~a11ec~ ~the meeting ~o order, and on ro11 ~a11 a11 members rePor~ed pr~sent as fol~.a~r~• .R~I. Alpr~a.a~. Cl~a~.rman, H. Cvx, C. S.~iobl e, tiY . . Crrnraa ~~d j'~ . C. Po~'~ e. T~e Ch~.irm~,n eall ed for nom~na~ions . f or n~iayo~, C. S. Nobl e ~as plac~d in nom~.~ation by 1'd.C.Poo1,e~, aMd secondecl. 'b,p w.A. Canrad, I~~oYed by Cvx that the nor.l3.nat~.ons be closed, the l~~otio~. ~eee3ved a se~~nd, and t~e naminat~~ns ~er~ ~.~s~,a~ecl ~losed. There 1be2n~ b'~.t one nominee, 6~ha~.i~man I,ior~a,n dec,lared C.S. Nob1e d~a1y elested ~o ~he ~ff~.~.e of ~'iayor ~°vr ~she ~ns~in~ t~rm. telayar Noble, ~ak3ng the ahaate, appoin~ec~. ~~~e fO~~.O~Y1A~ ~o~nittees~, On S~~ee~G~ and '~own lands, Poo7.e, Coa~rad and i~~Qrg~. On F~~anse, Cox, ~'na1~ anc~ Conraa. ' , _ 'i On ~a13.~~ f~re and ~ ail. , Poa1 e~oa and t:ior~;an , . Tmere ~,ein~ no f~rther b~s~.ness to ~oz~e b~for~ 'jthe '~oard, a~d on l~~ot~ton the mee~i~g w~.s ad j o~xrned ~o ' i~y er , Attes~, ~ ~J. b~ayor. ~ _ ; ; . ~ . i