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Minutes 1928-05-02
~ I~ ~ ~ ~rroyo ~ra,ncle, Cal.ifornata, ~ 1S .?M May 2nd, 1.925 , ~ ~ C3t3r Co~xnc~.2. me~ 3n re,.~.lar s~ss3on witIz , ~ Alayor C. No~l e atn the al~a~.r . ~ ~I~`~ ~ _ On ro11 ca11 ,~o~:~ncilnien N~~al e, Cag, Yool e, b1 ~ Cc~nrad ~nd n`or~an, r~portec~, ~-resen~ . UnaPproved r.z~n~ai,~s read anc~ a.~proved reac:. C. H. Bran~h f~l~a an a~pli~a~~on for ~~e appa3~ntmer~~ nf Ci~y ;aiarshal or Cha.ef of o1.~.ae, and an mot~.on C. H. Br.anch was aprioint~d ~o ~':L11 ~Me saitl off3ee of City iaa~bsl~aL or Ch~tef nf .I'ol~ce ~ R"i~~1:~UItTS OF Ur+']~'~C~~II,~:a, T';e Gi~;y Cl~rl~ repor~~ ~Ghe colle~ta.on of ~21ti.50 in: the ~eneral ftincl, and ~;~42:~ . a~r~ the .~ross re¢eip~Gs, w~th a bal.an~e a~x~ ~l~e ~,enera~l fand of ~ry~4f~~ .`?4, C~-~y ~~d~e re~o~~u~s t:av~.n~ disposec~ of n3.n~ ~as~s, with a collection of ~f~0.00 ~.n fine~, and .a ja~.1 sen~enae for or~e, the repar~s were aacep~ed a.nd p~.aeed an f~.le. The followin~ b~.lls were allawed and ordered paid. I~to. 11?~, .A.nne~t~ ~lhi~lo~l~., ]~'].~~~~Lon offa:~er, - ~ ~:Op " 112f.~ - L~,lly C. C~tsteel' n n k~.QO ~1~7, Taydaa C . Conrad, " " ~ ~ .00 I " 1128, Les~ra I~yte, n F,O~ , " 112~, A~.bert Ii,obes, Street tivorIt, r~8:Qa " 1.7.30, L. D. :;tetirar~, " ~ ~.___r_~~___-- ~.O~.OQ I " 113~, P;I.C .I'.S .Corp . tiYa'~er Hydrants ete; 43.55' " ~1.32, :'anta =~~aria 'ra~s, Co. Street l~~;ht~, 7f3.E~5 I 1133, B. I~'. St~wart, Comrn. an co~leations, 10k~.48 ~ " 1134, Standard Ui1 Co . as.nI~a~t, _w___...._, r.._~.,,- 29.38 " 1135, i,:. H. S~YaI.~., C~.ty ~~.d~e, w____-------- 27.Oo " ~.138, Tt~i . 5wa11 premisun o~, Trea,s . bonds 10. Op " 1137, Arroyo ~rande Cor~. Ca. red cloth, ,54 " 113~, Pacif~c ~'el.eplaone Co. ~exephane serv~~~,~- 2,86 'r ~139; B . . ~~4~war~„ ~aal~,ry anci pos~a~e, 101 .30 ~ " 1140~ ~'aeifie C~oast Goa7. Co. L~itm'ber for br~.d~e,- 1~,9~ " 1,~4' , ~t~~e ~omp~nsat3.cr_ F~nd, ~'*~~lv;~*es Ins . 4~.44 " 1~.42, G~a;~ . Gear.in~, Gar~.~:,e worl~, ~-___~~,___w_~. ~.10 " 1143, Herale~--P~ec~ordes , Y~rintin~,, ~~3 , " 11~~, . t~ . Stev~~;wan, c~reet wor~~, 35.OG~ " 1].45, . Pr~.ncl~, Traff~ c off~.cer, 75.00 11.46, Co~~nty of 5a.~e L~.ai.s Obzs~?o, He~a.lth ~ni~ - ~0.00 total ~311s~ 4,W. 0 The C~.ty Clerl~ 4v~.~ ~nstr~lcted to see th~ ~eal~h off3'~er in re~a,rd to the san~.~,~,~a.cn of ~lie Gra~~.r ~choal ~~~~c~zn~. Tgze Clerl: s;'as ii~s~r~:reted ba call o~~ the H~~k~way corT±m~ssatc~n and ~ry and arra.n~;e mee~in~ wi~k~ en~3neer ~.bson ~i~h a eommi~G~ee af the ''~~y Ca~.ne~.l, witl~ a v~.et~Y of f3x~di~.,~, , o~~~ j~.st ~vlaat was bea.n~ done a~soat ~lhe Y~ighway thro~.~,~i ~'a~~n. No f~ir~l~er ~~.s~.ness appear~.n~ ~he me~t~r~~; iva~ ad~o~rned. . ~ ~ City C er . ~.t~es ~iayar. ~ I F f