Minutes 1928-05-15 , . ' . 1~~ ~ ~rroyo ~ra.ncle, Calyfori~~a, 'y~ay 1,"~~~a, ~~2€3. Cit~~, Co~inci~ me~ 3n re~;~.i~ar sessman ~cvit~ j'i .A.Conrad, a~txn~ ::~ayor in tl~e ct~a~.~.~ . On R~11 ca~l7_ Cot~ncilr~en Cox, I'oole, Co~.rad. and _,`or~an r~~or~~d, ;~resenl;, C . ~ . Nob~e, a.~sent . Una~~prc~ved r.~~r~L~tes tear ana aPproved as rcad. '~"r~e ~~~reef, czor.~:lx~tee repor~ec~ k~a,v~iz~ ;.ie~ ~?~c ~'~~,e13 ~1ace anci, ins~ec~Led ~Ize ~ro~.nd a.c- ~o ct~rbs a,nc~ ~~t~e~s . Co~nc7_1.~:~~.~1 : ~r ;a,n ~u~ ~;ested Iaa~in~; a11 fa~re 1~ydrants sho~ld b~ ins~ectec~., t~y sec~ 5_f t,~±~,- ~ve: ~ f~.i~ctionin~;. ~'~ie s~a~;k estion w~,s ta:~rnee~ over to ~Gl~e I+'ire ~omm3~tee . ido fti~r~z~er ~~~lsa~ne;~s a~~pearin; the 1:~eetiia~; ~v~.s acljo~.rned. C~t~* C er ~'~ttest ~ r F.,., _,La~ror . ~ ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ , ~ a ~ ,