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Minutes 1928-07-05
. . . . . ~ l9~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rrayo Grande, J~1~ StI~, 1J28. City ~o~.nc~1 ~,i~t in re~,~~.ar sess3on ~rit~ Co~ane3lman E. Ai . ltior~an ae~~n~; T~~`a.yor in t~e a~iair . On ro11 ~a11 Cv~n~~,lmen Co~, Poo~~e, Conrac~ and r~~vr~;an, - reported., T'resen~, ~Iayar xdob~.e, absent. Unapproved ~~in~a.~es read and approvecl as r~ad. Report of offieers reac7. s~io~vin~ a. balance af cash in i~h~ Treasx~ry of 1424.10, t~e repor~s ~ere a~sep~Ged and pla¢ed on f31.e. T~e foll.ow3.n~ bi~.ls ~vere read a~dited and ordered pa3d. No: 11E~'~, Ai.C.P.S.CorP. ~'la~~r, ~ydrants, et~; ~45.9E~ " . 11~8, C.H.Branah, ~raff~i.~ Offiser, -w-~-~-~-------------~ 77;f~S " . ~.1~9, Cp~n~y of S.L.tI. ~Iealt~i ~on~ra~~, 2~:Um ".~1'~a~, D. Stewart, 5~reet wv~k, 11.3.00 117~., Car? i~~.e ~ Co . Off3~e s~,pp~ies 11.'7S 1172, ~ Standarcl Gil Ca. qi~. ~as ~e~a; 4F.11 1173, H. 0. :~t~e~~;nsan, Str~et xorl~, 28:00 " , 1174, ~.~.~o~a~.nson, Stree-~ ~orl~, ~ ---___w___..~..___.. ~,0;60 ~ , l~.'7b, '~e]~ej~hor~e Ca. T~lephane serv~~e, 2:7~ ~ 117f, hz. n. atival~, ~'ola.ce ~'~d~e, X5;U0 " . ~.1'77, ~1.ber~ robes, S~ree~ warl~, ~p;00 11'78, jY~st side 61ara~e, Pepair work, ~,26 117~, The Heral.d-Re~order, Print~tn~;, 42;5l~ 1.~80, Santa 1~Iaria Gas Ca. Stree~ l~~;hts, ~8,~~ , 1181., T3. F. Stewar~, ClerkN ~~lary, 130,OQ . 1~.82, A. G. Cor.~er~ia~ Co.Pain~ ana ~rns~, 8:1l5 11.8~~ 1'. C. Cnal Cv. ~emen~, ~-_.~__.~w~.._...~___~____ 8:30 To~a1 ipills, , Cornm~n~,~at~.on read and p~.aaed on f3.le. Reso7x~ioi~. I~Ta. 2~-B, .Fi resol~t~~.on of ~he Gity Co~riail, defini~~; ~er~ain S-~r~e~s as nox~evards, was presen~ed, read, and passed. ~eso7.x~~on No. 2~C, ~s resol.n~G~on a~~~or3z~tri~ the ~.nto Cl~b, : ; ~o nz~t tzr Bo~tlevarc~. ~~top Si~ns~ was ~resented, rea,d an.d passed. D. S~Ge~rart, presen~~c~ l~a.s resx~na~i.on as S~reet ~rorker, ~ ' the resi~na~ion ~a~s aa~eptec~. ~ 17r. A11an G~11i~an, a~ddress~d ~h~ Ca~nc~.l on ~Gl~e snb~es~, of ~ ~arba~e d~.spns~,~. , ~ ~ No f~~r~h~r b~a.siness appear~.n~ t?~e *!~eet'~-.r_g ~as ad~o~.rned. ~ ~ ~ L /J . v~ ~ '~y er . At~est,, , niayor.