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Minutes 1928-08-13
~:~3 ~ Arroyo "ranr~e, California, ~ ~~ta~ tist 15t~~, 1~28. . Cii;~ Ca~inc~l .let ~.ri re;~l~.r ~ession w~itT1 t'r.C.I'oo~.e, actin~ ~~.~.~or p~~es~clin;, Un ro1.1 call, ~at~aicilnze~., Ii•;-:;-Co~, tti'.C.Poo1e,~~b,~,~z~~~~~xancl L.i~I.P:ior~ an, repor~ec~_, present, T:Iayor, C.S.Nu~~le,anc"~. ~T.1~.Cor~r~c~, absent. Unapproved n~~.n~tes rea,a a.ria a~proved as reaa. T~7e ao~xmlit~ee on ~vater s~aP~ltiY, re~ortetl 13aviri~; r~ ~ve~1 ~orer at work c7.r~.ll~n~ on ~Gl~e Nins~ativ tract, i~7 ~L~~e la.ke ~~c1. rio f~.r~her ~?~.ls~.nesti, a~~Pearintr t~~e r,eef,in~ tvas acljo~rned. _ ~ ~ Cz -y er~~. ~ l~ttest, ~ , mayor. . . _ . ~ ~ _'~z~royo ~rancle, California, A~~~~~st ~.3t1~, 1~32£3, t%~ty Catinci.7. ~vas c~,1.1ed to order bj* tl~e Cz~w C~erl~, _ ~~ae~e i~pt ~ein~ ~ c~~torti?~? of Corine:ilmen prese~l~, t~~e Glerl~ ~ adjo~~rnea tl~±e ric~et~.n~, to ~tt~~.tst ~,I1e ].StI~ 1~7?~. . ~ C~ er . U Axravo Grancle, Cal~fornia 1~~.~ ust 15~h, 1~23. ~s a roard nf eq~~al~izat:ion Ci~,y ~c~~,zneYl, r~e~ p~rs~~aiz~ t;o adj~tirnment,~wi~Gh j`1.C.~'oa].e ae~Gan~ P,i~,yor, presiain~!;. f~n ro11 e~,11, Co~inca~lrnen, Cox, Poo~e anc~ r:=or~an, x^c~por~EWc~ ~ i ~~Y esen~, t?a~•or C.~~ .No'&al~, a.na Cor'i~cxlrnan Conrac~., aT~sen~ . ~ ~ 9 1 i,Ir . Poole stat;ecl ~I~e o3~ j ect of the meetin~; to be tl~e eqt~~,1~- za~t:ion of ~.axes, ~ ~ TI~e C1erTi rePor~ecl na ~aomplair~ts fi7.ed, anc~ on :~:ot~.on, d~.ly I secoan~ec~ ~.ncl carr~ec~, ~;Mc rleetin~ ~vas ac7.joEtrnec~., ~o the ca.l.], of tlie C3~y ~lerl~. ~ . ~ C t,y 1 erk . ~~-~-tes~, ~ ~ / , .:?a;ror. . .