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Minutes 1928-09-05
. . , ~n ~ ~ ~.~4 ~ ~ 1~rroyo Grande, Calif.ornxa, ~ Septer.~~er bt~21, 1~~"3. ~ CYt~ Co~nei~ ~;~e~ ii~ re~llar sess~.or~ ~v~.tl~ ;Wia~or C.S.Na'~le i1~ tL~e ~~a~.r . Gr~ ro11 eall , a11. rsembe~rs x~e~~orted, present . Una~provec~ i~3in~~~es reacl al~a a~~rovec~ as read. ~a~,~, . YYa~er cor.~mittee ~•~ports ~ro~ ress . Ti7e f o17. ow3n~; b~11 s~~ere all o~ved and. ordered paid. No . 11J7, ~i .~I .5r~it~, L'r~ntin~, w~--_-_~~_~_.~,~___-.~_ ~ 1; 00 " 11~`~, Tt.T'~.T~obizzson, ~~r~et tivork, 2~1;00 . " 11~~, Va1Xe~- Trans3~ CQ • Fre3.~~~ on asp~aal~,--~-- 1:~4 " 120~), ~1. C~rli ~1e & Co - O:Cfalce s~applies, ----~~-M~-~- ~7:'7~ " ~.tiDa, ~rrovc ~rande, Comm. Ca . taffic 1~rae pa3nt, B.OC~ ~ " ?~~l?, ~,an~a .,i~.r3a c'x~.s Co, utreet 13~;hts, 7~3.~5 " 12~D3, ~~~,nc?_w:~d 0~~ Co . Gas a,nd pi1, ~~:~0 " " 120~, T=I.C.P.a.uorp. .r-°..',~'i, ;.~i, r~r anc~ fire ~~yc~.rants, 50:~~ " 7.205, C.II .Bran~k~, Traff~.c Oi fi~~; 7'7:50 n 1~0~, aton~roa.d, Stree~ ~vorl~, ~2:UQ " 1~Q'7, B.P.S~e~tart, ~alary~ __.,~__..wr~.__.....,~..r__~. ~,3~.00 1~?Og Yata. Te1e hone Co. Te1 serv~ee 2:75 s P > > ~ " ~;?oJ, Co~an~~ of E7.L.U. IIea.lth ~ni~G, ~S:Oo ~ _ " ' 1210, .~lber'~ E~liver, C~ct~tin~ ~Grees y ~4:00 ~ r~ ~,211, I~,.I~.S~Le~ar~, Gutt3n~; trees, ~~:pp ~ 'r 1212~ P~~.R.St~a11, City '~~td~,~a ~-----_~..~_~.M~..._~__-~ 0:~0 , ~ ~'otal ~317.s, -..-______..w~.~._~,_ y,5~ . . l ~ S.C,Reeorcls, J.C.S~l~aw, anc~ ~..SY.Havrl~ins, a~p~ar~d before the ~ Gotancxl ~o pro~est ai a~.nst a cn~np~l,sory ~arloa~;e ~'rc~inancE, as ' ~j ~k~e O~rdina~:c~ wa.s no~ preNare~., no a~t3.an wa,s tal:ex~ oii the Pratest . ~ T~do f~.rtZ~er b~sine~s appearin~ t~~ r.mee~Gin~, ~yas adjotia ned. ~ v Q' y er ~~~e~~G ~ . ~J , ~ BaVOr. Arroyo ~~^ande, ~alifornia, ' ~'spt • 5t~~, 1~23. C~-ty Co~nci~. znet p~rs~an~ ~o adjo~rner:ient, 1rr3t~i, ~;Iayor ~ C.S,Nab~e, pr~s~.d~n~, [~n rol~ ¢a11 all mem~ers af tl~e Co~nc~il reportec~, preseatx'~ , ~ The P~a~ror sta~ed t~~e a~ j e~t of tMc r~eeta-n~ was to a.nspeat ~Ghe- . ~lssess~en~G ra11, and to f~x the ~ax ra~Gc for t1r~e ens~3n~ ~ear. ~~e C3~y Clerk, r~~or~ed no protests filed, and on ,:Totioxa of 8onra~, se~onded by ~Ior~an,, tlae ta~x rate ti7as f~.xed as fo1.7,ows; Bra~d~;e bonds, --_~--~~---~-______~..~~____.32 e~ents,on ~1Q0. of ga1~a~~Lon, ~ ~n~fa11 se~ver l~onds, ~3? eents," ~10~. gf valx~,~~.o~ ~e~~.eral f~:ina, --------_........__..,~~___~:UO pn `~~.OD: o.~ ~*a1~.a~G~.~a. 5ewer i~~raver~ent bor~ds, :Q1 ~ent on ~10~. of val~:~tatio~. M~.kin; a ta~a1 of. y,~,.65 on ~1Q0. o~' val~~.a~a.on, No f~tr~her ~..~~.isa.ness a~pear~ni t~e mee~Gin~ s~.dj ~aet1. ~ a~ ~Y ~r .~~~est,~_. ~i:i~,J~or.