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Minutes 1928-09-19
195 ~ ~ „ . 4 ~ 1 lrrroyo Grai~d~, Cali~'ornia, ' ~eptcrl~~er l~tli, 1.~2~. Ci~Gy Co~i~~.ci1 met in r~~ular se~s3.on ~vi~~z ~,tayor C.S.No~1e pre~ida.a~~.~; . ' 0~ rall. cal.~, a11 r~~rabers of the Co~7nca.]. re~or~~r1, gresen~. Una~prov~c~ rxl~.nrttes read and approved a.s re~.d. (~n P:io~ioaz i-~ ~va~ oraer~ca. t~at th~ Ci~~ C1~rk ~Lnvite repr~se~a.t•- a~i'~es af t~c ;rater ~'oz:~p:~Y~y ta nieet the C~~,p Cotinc~.l at ~l~e fiext n~~e~~n~, ~~Ieclnesda,y ~c~~o'ber 3, tc~ d~.sc~s~ ~I~e tai-.i~~.; nve~ t~ae Cit,y tiv~.~G er p~. ant , V ~ ` an ~aot~ian it ~vas ordered t~~a't tl~ae Ci~,y p~2t ir. ~:lae ret~.inin~; ~v~al1 on %o~itZ~ sa.r3.e af fil.7~ on Iiranc~ ~~Gr~et at r{Tl~ite~e~~ S~ree~, an~ r.F,S~etvart ~vas appaintec~. -~o ~alce ~har~e of the wor~. ~'_do ~~ir~Iasr biis~.ness a~~p~a~ ir~~; th~ ~~;.ee~~r~,~~; ~~as acljoE~ri'~ecl. ` ~ - C~.ty er 1'~i~test;, -~r ~ ,g : `ayor . r ? ~ i ~ _