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Minutes 1928-11-07
, . . . . . . . . E;..x ' . . ~ w ~:9~ ~?rro~-o C~r~a~~.c~e, C~~i~f'arni~,, ' , l~;ovcr ~~ier 7~t~±, ~~2~3. ~i1~zr ~i01.171C1~ 1:1C~ ~L";i,1.~;,1' .SC,~~10i1 ~~:LV':? j ~'~..T~OX'~ rir~.~0~3~C uiil: C11LL11 . C)r~ z o~]~ cwl1. Cc~t.~az cil.r.ien, r.; 0~1 e, Cox, Pool e, Ca~~x^ac? aa~c1 :-or{;a.n re~or~t~eci, ~,i c~ent, r_onc ~~~ac1~~L . Uria~:~I?~.~oXrec? r.~~_iiu~es reac? anc? a~~Pz ovoc~ a:~ rcc~cl. l~e~rort~ of (;:{:'fa~~ez~~, '~'i;G C~~:;- Clex~=: ~i°eNe~i~ec~ a rei,o~ t s?~nrr~r~ ~~,1a~~ce o.f casi~ :i:: thc 'i~.~ea,stia^;,r af ;;13F~.~:C~, t;~~c re~ort ~vas ~,CGC~~uLC~. ~Lt~C~ ~)~.?CCC~ OI1 S'1~C • '~'I~~e f o3.~. oti~~in!~; ~.•i1.1 ~~rere a~.~. oti~re;c~. anc?~ orc"~.er ec~ T~aic1. ~;o.:~~~?'7, L~a~ ce:~1o~ :-ors;a7~, Gar~ ;e j~or?~, ry~:~3 " ,1~'~~, ?',-.IT.u'r~a.tli, ~'r~i.z~.uar:~ . ---_~._w~.w~...w~_--______------ ?~..'~5 u ,1?,2~, 2'Iiox^n~Loz~~ l~c'~ar.1s, ~~~,c1:si~~itT~ ~vor=., ;~~:?5 t' .~,ry~~C, I'.C.I~~.x1z~a,y, F~e~,;la~ 01~. iisp~~a1~, 7..~',~;G f~ , Coziz~tsr ~~'~1~± C:T~~s~o, IIca,1i,~: ~~r~4it,-___~,__ r, ~1~:3?, ~~et~~ar~, ~:~~.7_ar~r a7~d1 ,:,osta.~-c~, ~~;~::~r~ f, ~~ry4~, ~"ae~~.,~~~.u• o~' Cali~' c:~;~~,7_if~~~.c~, 'iem,?~cx~~I:~i~.__--_--_ ~.~.`~~3 C'f [ A'~ = " .1. ,W1, v . ~?I . Ii~~n.i~c?~, C~. ~ r~I~~l . ^.l~ r~-, '77 . WG~ " .1w~5, I'ac. ~~~lc~:?!o7ze Go. =ele~lzn,1~ ~.e~^~'~~.cc. ~t-.r~~ ~o ,1;-~~~~, . ~~c3~i~?~•c~.-: r, ~~~'I:~r:it17 ~vorT~, , ~ ,7: ~r ~1~~'7, `~":~~rc:.~~x~r~. ('~~l Co• C~;~olene Gil ~'~c; tt ~ ~`7c~~ ~ '-'~wS,:~..~, `'iLY'1i`Z. u%:,~> ~i0 . c,.VF~ :('.'t~ L1r•~l~~rti~". ~ _..._~.'~..n.~.,.---'~-^ ~ ri1 L IT ~~.r~if~ ~ 4.~ •:I:'.ii 1,~~1~1 f1u.C1.~ ~:71~~'G'~:t t~l~rli~ ~--u.....--.~..,~~n.~~~~~.~..~~-...~ 'l .~.lf ~l~i(~i ~r .-~;~a0~ .t;..: .;1.Cr.x~. .';~.~.er F~I;,~c'rant~, ct,c; ___~.__..~.___w__ ~~3,y_c; 'r'otal 7j711s, ,r~~y,~c~ 11 ~C'L1~10i1 .`~'1y;~~Y14~C~ ~)S' ~j' .~7 •:iCO:JIl~ •ri .~CCOY`C~.S ~ ~i •~';1'~',~lx'Q~'7 ~LIICi ~'~~1GP5 ~O :.?.:.LYC "t~1G'11~ 71ii.T.T1E"7 i Ci''.OVC'(~ ~'1'OI': }?I L'V7.OL1~ I?C1,1'ti.~-DI7~ a.sl:~.n~; t'~c ~o~.?~~ci1 to l:avc cer'~:?,ixi ;.:tr~~et~ ~a~;.:~ec~ i~~~c~er tglc"Ti,i~~- ~ over~eni; ~,ct ~ ti~r~;.u ~~~,esentec~. t~~ ~L?~e ~~ot~rcil , „z ~ ~eco~°c~s, xra~zamer, ~il1c~ ot~.I{ers ac~cli°essec~. t7ie Coti~~c~I in s~iS~por~ c~~' ~:11e ~~rotc~t, ancl : :.r . `;'a~.l;a_~ilsan a,.7c~ o~I~c~rs ~~~Z~c;YT.e ,ai~~st ~~7e pro~Lcut , a.nc1 :'~~ave~l Gon~ ac~, az1c~ ~:~~,~.~c~ec' 1~,y C~x, t,ac ~~c~ii;io» idas ~.aic~ ovei a_~~.c~ef~.r7 ~c1.y, (~rc~inance ~;a. ~~'"a~~. ~rci~x~~~~ce re~e~,l~.n~ ~'ec~~o~~ c_~° `.~r~.-~t,~,;~,ce ?'o ~Y~. , ~r:~, ~1 o~o~,c~ z eac?i.z~~, ~.nc~ c~rderecl. nra.n~Led. 2°~c~ f~ir~tzcr l.,usi:-~e ,s ar~~ca~in~ ~hc meetin;~; tt-au ac~jr6~trnec~. ~ C3.~T- C1 erl~ . _°~:;~c;~~, --4~,~~ti,~.