Minutes 1929-01-02 ~V ~ ~ ~ Arrayo U~ra.nde, ~al~farnia, ~7anuar,y 2nd, ~.9~9. City -Council met in rer~ular session w3th ~Layvr C.S.Noble, pres3c13ng. _ Qn r~1~ cal~. Caunci~.men Cox, F ool~ ~,nc3. ~`or~;an repor~er~ pre~ez~~t, ~ct~~~.cx~.z~~an Co7Lx°~:>c., a~~e~~.t . ~ El~^~ ;:;.re~ec~_ r,~~~.u~~,ew z~~?~~~:~ ~.:-c_ ~~.~c~~:'~._ . '."~C :i:0~'.~.Q;ti7.~1'",' ~]~~~.y :':C:'C ~..~~iC~:*C(.~.. w11C~ O;'~_C:~'CC~ ~):-~=~.C~.. ~ Nd.31.?Eu~ C~as 11. Balciw3.n ~vorl~. an tiva17, -s~_~--~_~----___.___~~?.25 " 1~F4, N.~t'~l.ker, wor~ on ~vall~ --_~.____..._~.~__r______ (~,87 ~t ~~~J' AI.C•P~~.~'O~'~). ~q~.~B]C 13ght~ ~~G~ ~3~~5 12f~6, Iiare~los 4?~ :'lor~an, Garage tiYOrt~~ t~.~p - " 1,2"7, .~'.~~,c~~raa.d, :~Zreet ~vork, 9~.04 1~~8, Jo~ ~~.e1, Concre~e mixer, ____~__~___~__w__~ 1~,~0 . " 1?F~7, C~~~e~. 8~:,,rsah, na~~.~~, ~17,59 " 1~7a ~ ~'ac~.f ~,c Coast Coa~ Ca •ra~terial s used ~in tiva11 ~ ,13 , " 1~71, Yac 7~e1 ~ T~lg, Co.'~'el.epk~ane serva.ce, 2.30 " 1.272, Cour~~r* of S.L.~.~. °1ealth un3t~ ~S.Oa . " 12'73, ~ta,nc~~rd ~i1 Co.Gasolen~ etc; N~.1f~. " 1~74, ~van Tt.Grizzle, ~ff~cE su~plies, .~.-__~._r___ 1.~0 . „ 1275, Albert ~liver, T~ork an wa.ll, __~__~_..___w~~... ~p:~0, " 1?76, ~I.D.FIa.rt~ Part~.al Payment an tive11.~---------- 1~D.p0 " 1277, Va7.1ey Coast ~~~ransit Co. Frei~ht, ~.1~~ ~.?78, n. F. Ste~cvart, Salary & ~'osta~;e, ~31.~b " 1.2"7~, P..~ .Ho1lo~ay, ~yor~~ on ~vall, 1~.OU ' Tota1 b311~, __r___~.. ~~0~0,2~ . . ~1 round ta~ble c~iscussion of tlae passibil3ty a~' t~ae ~tat~ Hi~hway go3n~; ~round the City, r~a~ 3ndul~ed in and on P,io~ion of '~iorg~n seconded by Cog, the ~ayor was asked to,name a comm~.t~e~ of ten ~itizens of the '4'alley, said con~?a~ttee were ~o mee~ 3n th~ ~ery near future, ana were to se~ect f3.ve of the~r nwnber, tv ca.rcula-~e pet3tions to ~et si~n~rs that want the ~ta.t~ uigh~ay ~o remain a.n the City, said ~omm3.~tee are to have a meet~.ng with Lng~neer Les~~r H. G3'i~so~~, and f3nd aut ~ust what ~h~ Commiss~,ori wants us to do, a.n order to hold the ~igh~vay throu¢;h Towr~.. The ~~'-ayor aPpointed ~he f o17, owing Gen.~l emen ~o serve an the Camm~.tte~. L.C.Iaoom~.s, Fr~d Iludson, jY. ~i. Sm~th, ~;r. H. Do~el.l, C. ~2. ATort~~over, C. L. ~,~osher,~. $ennett, J.~~'ebb I~roore, Di. I~. Swa11-, n. Short, a.t ~vas su~~es~ed that a~ass meet3.ng b~ he1 a in the C3.~y Ha~.1. , n~xt Y~ednesday n~.ght . l~ir •~~~or~an rzac~e a.~1Qt~.on that~ I+~I. 1~,. T'itzgera].cl be appointed City ~~tt~rney, tl~e ~~ot~.on wa~ seconded by Cax, ana tvas carr~,ed. P,Rr . Cox macle a a~.otion that I3urch ~.nd Beck, b~ appoint~d as ~n~3.neers for the n~~,rpase of preparing plans far a wa-~er system the ~`at3.an was seeonded by Paole, and v~a,s carr~.ed. Th~ Clcrl~~ ~:a: -'_1-...:x,-,^';~~. to notify I~~r• ~.+'ai~zgerald and Ii~essrs. nurch and Eec~ of the~ir aPpv~.ntmen~ . The C7, erk ~vas instruc~ed to ~rit~ the Santa. ~aria Gas Co . . not~.fyin~ them of the expiration of the~.r contract, also ~o advise them that the present 13ghts are v~ry unsat~.sfa+ctory. ~a further Uusxness appeara.ng the meet3n~ ~as a~d~ourned. ~ ~z'~ Cz~y 1 er . , Attest, ~,1~aayor. 1