Minutes 1929-01-16 ` ;
xrroyo c~raa~ade, Cal.3form~.a
~anuary 1,E~t~i, 1929.
La.ty t;auncil met in re~ular sessi.on v~ith ~,~ayor,
C. 5. iV o"b~. e sn the Chair . .
pn Ra11 call, Cnuncilrlen rioble,t'oo~.e , and Carirad, reported
present, uouncilmen c;ax and Ly~organ, absent .
unapprnved m3nutes reacl ar~d approved as read.
p~ti.tion sa,gned by . 14'. ~Iulett,~ Bar7.ow, H. R. Phillips
and n~hers, asking for a 20 fao~ '~arren3.te pavement on A11en ~treet
~ras presented and r~ad, and on I!Iot3on ~he pe~i~ion was lai.d over
~o nea~ Wednesday n~t~ht .
TtoBert isishap presentecl an applica~ion ~itt~ references, for a
pns~.taton an th~ G~.ty wa~~r system. ~
~;i~y ~.~torney Ll.~i.k'~.~zg~rald, presen~ed i~esolut~on Nv . 25, (ne~r-
seri~s } establa.sh~ng a daturn P~ane, and on ~io~~.vn af Conrad seconded
b~ ~ov1e, the iiesalutaLan was adopted.
u~.ty ~~ttornry xtz~erald, presented 1~eso7.ution :,o .26, (new series )
~ r~salutian fi~ing th~ widths of sidewalks on a partaton af Masan
Str~et, and on a por~~.on of Le Yoint Street, ~nd on A4ot~.an of Poole
seconded by Cvnrad, the resolntaton was advpted.
The a~pointment of a superintendent af 5treets<, came up for
da.scuss3.on, and on :.otion of rool~ seconded by Conrad, irir. ~en U.
Conrad Was appo~.nted Supt. of 5treets, with bonds f~.xed at ~].000.00
Engineer W.B.Surch, presentea a tenta~a.ve estimate on a new water
system, the tota], amaynt be~Lng ~42,000.OO.for every~h~.ng eacep~ the
plant af the ~'ater Compar~.y, The htayor appo3.nted Counc~.lmen Poale
Canrad and blorgan ta co~mence negotiat~.ons with ~he 11i.C.P.S.Carp,
f or the purchase of their p1 ant .
~Ir. Northover tendered a vo~e of thanks ta the Council for the
ci.ir~ ~ha~ was put a.n 1.aw places on his grounds.
un ~ic~tivn duly seconded and sarried, the meet~.ng was adjvurned r
~Y~erlnesday ni~ht January ~3rd, at 7.30 Qclack P.Di.
~y er .
.~tt~s~,~ ~ayvr.
k~ - su,_ _
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