Minutes 1929-01-23 . . . . ,
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, .
~~rroyo ~rande, ~;al~forn~a,
J an:iary H~rd, ~~~f?.
C3.t; Council. met pursuant ~o adj ournment, with ~Xayor
C. S. Nab1 e aLn the cYiair .
On ro11 ca11. Counc~lmen NaU1e, Cax, Poole and Canraa re~or~ed
pre~en~, Caunci~.man *~or~an, absen~ .
Op~ning under the head of new BLSin~~s, the L~can~c of the ~
~r':~~re~n Bro~~r~er~ G~*r~ax~', ~Varreni.te~b~~~a~;ithia~,ma.~t-ure a~;reement
wa.s f~1ed w3.~h the Clerk..
.:i .Fi~~Aer~.1~ '
qi~y A~~a~~a.e~n~res~nted i~e~~l.ution a , ~ne~r ser~es ~ ~w ~ea~1u--
tion ~t~orisina the esecut3on of a Can~ract t'o~ an : on ~ehalf of
the C~.ty of Arrvyo Grande, anc~ an ~iotian af Coz seconded by Pool~ e,
th~ I~esolut~.on was adopted.
City Attorney M.~.Fitzgera7.d, pres$n~ed Resal~tivn No . 28, (nQ~r s~ries )
resolutinn ~.~rost~.n~ ~~a C~~S ~n~;~.n~e+~ to furnaLsYa pl,ans anc~ specifi-
aat:ians for ~he improvement of portions of ~Ia~son, Nelsan, .~l~,en anc~
Le ~'~in~ S~~re~~~ ~n ~~c ~i~:;~ uf ~~rrE~~ra ~ra~ne, a3id vn ~.~'iotinn. afGonrad
secondecl by Poo1e, the mota.on ~vas adopted. ~
Czty Eng~neer Ben D. Conr~.d f~led plans and specif3cations, also
the xmprovement d~.strict, as ordered ~.n RQSOlution no (nati~ seri~s )
t;i~~ At~arne~ At.d.F3t,z~;~7,'~.lc:a presented Itesolu~~an Na.w9, (ne~ series) "
A resoluti,on ado~t~.ng plans and specif3.ca~a.ons for th~: inprovement af
pvrtions of k;~ason, ~~,elson, ~.llen and L~ I'oxn~ Stree~s, in the C~.~y vf
Arroya Grande, and on hiatian of Poo1e seconded by Conrad, the resoZu~ion
was adopted.
Ca.ty Attorney A~i.~1,F~tzgerald, Presented ~esolu~3.on of .~ntentiaa
::v . 30 (nex series ).t~ Resolutian of ~:~e ~n~~cil c•~' Cft,~ vf
}rroyo ur~.~.e, declarin~; a.~s intentian ~o ir:iprove c~r~ain pvrtion~
a~' ~tascu~,,Ne~ison, a~~en anu~c r;,in~ rtreets ; C~reatin~, an assessment
district ta ~aay the costs and exPenses nf such work and determ~.n~.ng
that ser~al 'bvnds sha11 ~~e ~.ssued to represent un~aid assessments
ther~an, and on D~iataLon of Goa seaonded by Poole, the resolut~.on was
adapted by the foYlaW~.ng vote an ra11 Call.
A~Tes, I~a~or C.S.Nob7.e, Councilm~n l1.E.Coz, j'~.C.Poo1e and ~r'.A.Conrad,
Noes, Councilmen, ~Tone,
Absent , Councilman E .~i .~ior~an .
pn ~iota.on of Conracl seaondecl by Coz, to ha.ve the ~it,y ~lerk to
write the ~o_idland t;ount~.es rublic ~erviae Corporation, offerin~
them ten thousanc~ (~10,000.00) dol.lars for ~he3r water plant,and
to have them reply at once, the ~lotion ~ras carr3ed,
On ~iataon of Pool e and s~conded by Co=, the boncl vf B. D. Conrad
as Super3ntendent of 5treets was approved.
No further bus3ness appearin~ and on mot~.on, the meet3n~ was
adjourned to Wednesda,y, January 30th, at 7.30 ~~~.4C1C~ Y.~I.
C3.ty C erk,
A~test, ~.lV .~`T~4`~g~ l;layor.