R 2324 I . l~q . :r ~ ".;: , RESOLUTION NO. 2324 A RE..<;()LUTION 011 TIlE CITY COUNCII, OF TIlE CiTY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOl>TING A MEMORANDUM OP UNDERsrANDING WITH S.E.I.U., WmCl.\ CONTAINS ^ SAI.AH.Y SCHEDUI.H, POSITION CIJlSSTl"ICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS WlTI11N THE RJ~PECrIVE RANGF..5 011 TIlE SALARY SCHEDUI.E FOR 1989/90 AND 1990/91 AND REPEALING RIroLUTION NO. 2243 TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this Council dceIrs It to be in the best interests oC the Oty oC Arroyo Grande ond it., various cnvloyccs that minJnun ond moxinun OO1\lCIISIltJon be tixed Cor vorilXS classiticotions of cmplc>ym!nt in the vari~ departments of the aty of Arroyo Orande as hereino1'tcr provided. NOW TIIEREFORE, m\ ITRESOLVED that R Mf.'II1OI'8l1dt.of Understandi~ isllj,'1'eed upon with I 5.E.l.U. ond adopted for fiscol years 1989/90 and 1990/91. Tmm contained within such MeII'Orandwn ! J oC Understandir<< ond repclll of Resolution No. 2243 are effective .My 1, .1989. DE IT I1URTIlER R~:SOLVED thot the nininun COI'ItICnsotion as of dote oC employment ond intcnnedlate and mudnun cootJCnsotion for such I!IJ1>Ioyment sholl be os lK!reinnCtC\' enumeroted, and that said employees shnll be fI.!oSigned to salary ste[:!l within the respective pay rnl1;C of the (JO/'ition clnssirication /IS set forth in the ottached Memornndlm of Understand~, and, further, thot the Memorandun of Understandillt attached hereto is made a part hereof by reference, all of which are hereby adopted. On rrotion of CouncU Merrber Dougall, seconded by Council Merrber Olsen, and on the following roll call rote, to wit: A YES: Council Merrbers Dougnll, Olsen, Smith, Moots and Mayor Millis NOFS: None . ADSENT: None the forcgoir<< Resolution wos passed and adopted this 27th doy of June, 1989. ~~ ~~ MAYO APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ Cb~ S/~ - Cl ATI'Olt rur . .- Arn?Sr: ~~~ . CITY CLHRK - I, NJ\NC'{ A. . DAVIS , City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County ~ of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution lb. 2324 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular n-eeting of said Council on the 27th day of June, 1989. WITNESS. my hand .and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 30th day of June, 1989. '--'17 ~11l. ~ CITY CLERK . - . --. . --------- -~------ ---------- . , ,".... ... .. . THE SALARY SCHEDULE APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. 2324 WAS REVISED BY RESOLUTION NO. 2328 SEE RESOLUTION NO. 2328 FOR CORRECT SALARY SCHEDULE ADOPTED FOR YEARS 1989-90 AND 1990-91 FOR S. E .,1. U. EMPLOYEES "'" (SEE RESOLUTION NO. 2328 FOR ADOPTEO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 1989-90 AND 1990-91) I I , I I ~