Minutes 1929-02-13 (2) ~w, Arroyo Grande, Cal~.forz~:ia, - F~bruary l~th, ~929. r . Ca.ty Couna~7. met purauant to adjournment, w~.th Aiayor, C. S. Nob7~e, pres3di.ng. an roll call Councilmen Noble, Co=, Poo1e, Canrad and hiar~;an reported, presen~, none absent. I~ang3.neer Burch Presented a aommuna.cation from ;,I.C.P.S. Corp. in r~garcl to the sale of the wa~er business to the C~ty also an inv~ntary of s~,me. hir. Burch also reacl a report concerning a chema~cal ana.lysis of the. City well West of ~.'own, in wh3ch the wa~er was pronounced soft water. On Aiotion af Co~ seconded Conrad, ~hat the City purchase ~ the water plan~ from the LTidland Caunt~.es public ~er~v~.ce Corp-~ ara~a.or~ far tl~e sum of ~15,0OO.OQ, subjec~ to ~he result vf the bond el~ct~on, the ~iot~.vn ~vas carried. Ci~tp ~lttorney h1..~ .Ii'xtz~erald ~resented Resol.ut~.an No .3Y ( new series ) a Resolut~~.on ~bna~r.~a~ng the branda.ng of the City of - brroya Grande far cer~ain ~Iun~c~.pal improvements . The Resol- , ution was adop~ted by the fol~ow3ng vote: Ayes, Caunci~men . Noble, Caa, PooYe, Conrac~ and Rtorgan. Noes, nQn~, absent, none. l~ir. Copeland representa~ng the bond~n~ hn~.se a~ ~lmer J. Kennedy Company, made a ten~ativ~ offer for the water bonds, tl~at was acaepted by the Counc:il. A pet~.t~on s~.gned by Arthur Turney, J.~«~:'i~,ka.nson and others, ~ ask3n~ for an overhead electric 11gh~ing system, instead af the present gas 13~ht~n~ sys~,em, the pet~.tian was taken under advi-~ • sement, untill next r:leeting. ~ ; - ~ J. S. Kinney made applic~tion for the pos~~~on of wa~er ~uper~.ntendent, th~ appl3cation was p~,aced on file. ~ Ca.~y C1erk instructed ~o writc the 14iic11and Counties ~ub13c serv3,ce ~Corp, notif~ing tYiem that se~eral holes in ~he pavement have not been replaced. No further business appearin~ and an ~iot~.on the meet~.n~ was ad~purned. ~ L - Q _ - _ C y er ~ Attest, ~ayor. . . _ _