Minutes 1929-02-20 , . , . ~lo . ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo 4~rande, gal~,fox•n3.a, I'ebruary 20th, 1929. G~~y Counc~l met ~.n re~u~.ar session with b~ayor C.S.Noble ~n the chair. An ro11 call Counc~.lm~n Nobl e, Conrad, BZorgan, Poo1 e and Cox reported, present. none absent. Unapproved rn~.nutes read and approved as read. A petita.on protesta,ng aga~.nst tXie propas~d improvement of ~asan Street, n'elson Street and Allen StreeG , was filed by S.C.Records, the protestants were represented by hi. R. Yan Wormer, who bra.efly aut~.a.ned the acti~n ~he (%ounc~l ma.ght take 3.f ~hey so w~.shed. A>~ ~ota.an by a~oole seconded b,y Co=, that the petition be laid over untill the next meet3ng, Nlarch 6th, ~929, ~he mot~ton was ca~rr3ed. prdinance No .~35_~ ~1N ORDINANC~ CALL~NG A SPl~.~C~~L ELECTION IN T~iL+' C~TY QF ~1RR~~'Q GR~iNDL, FUT~ rSHE PURPOSE OF SUB~1~`~TING T~ TF~E VOT~RS OF S.E1~D. C~TY TH~ P1~01'OSITTON OF ~N(:UF?RII~G d BO~DE~1 ~NDP~iT~ ~T11~TESS BY SaTD G~TY FOR '~HE AC(~U~SIT~UN, CQ°~STRUCTIpN 9ND Cp~ZPLE- 7.'IOM OF T~IE FpLLp~YING MUNIC~PA~., ~I~PRQVEMENT OF SA~D C~TY~ A'PI'ATLR ~QI~tKS SYST~S, INCLUDING LAND~S, WATER, ~YATER RIGHTS,~ R~GHTS OF WAY, I'U~~PS,. ~i~~I~~ ~,~JI~l9, RL~LTiVO~FtS, STOItAGE F~G~LIT~ES, PIP~ L~NES, 11IA~N5, HYDF~N'~S .E1ND OTHER WORKS, PI~OPERTT~S AND APPLIANCL~S NECESSARY OTt CQNVLN~ENT FUR SUPPLYZNG SA~D C~TY AND ITS xNIiAI3~TANTS 'W'~TH j1'ATF~R; AEE~IRI~G TH~ ESTI1411~TED COST UF S.AZD A~UNrCIPAL TD~I'F~OV~fifiiI+~TT, TA~ AAipUNT QF PRINC~P~1L OF SAxD ~NpEBTEDNESS TO SE INCURR~II mHEnT~qR, AND THE Tt~1TE OF TN~ER~ST TQ (=.E P~ID THL+"R~ON ; FTX~NG THL DbTE OF S1~ID ELECTI~I~ ~YIE ;~I.ANNEFt OF IiOLD~NG THE SA1~iE, ESx.~BLISfIING ~~GTIC~N PRECINCTS t~ND FOLLTNG PL~CES FOR SAZD II~ECTTUN ANp APPOZN'~ING BOARDS OF EGECTION 'iH~~R~FOR, AND YROV~D~NG FOR NOTICE TIiERF~'OR. On mot~.an of Conrad seconded by Co=, the ~rd3nance was passed f~rst readin~; by the fol~.vwxng vote. Ayes,Counc~.lmen Coa, . C~orirad, --:~o~~;an, No'ble and T'oo3~~. Noes, Counci~men, None, absent, Conncilmen, :von~. :~ir. C. 1i . bicCay, of the ~~andard Oil Company, prese~nted a contract ~a th~ Counci7., d~ted the 20th, day af February 1929, between the Stanclard 011 C~mpany of Californ3.a, and the ~%~,ty of Arrayv Granc'~e, ~hereby the sa~.d ui1 Company a~;~ees to deliver to the C:i-t,y af Srroyo Grande, ~asolene at a g~.ven pr~.ce, ~he cantract to run for ~hree years, and an ltiotion of Conrad-° and s~canded Uy ,.iorgan, the A~jayor was a.ns~ructed to szgn the contract, Tl~ere being no further businc:ss to come before the Counai'~ and nn Ria~ion of Conrad and seconded by Yao1e, ~he meetatn~; was ad~o- urned -~o Wednesd.a.y ~'ebruary the 27th, 1929 at 7.3Q ~cloclt P.M. ~ ~ yCer, Attes , ayor, , _ i k