Minutes 1929-02-27 . ,
~lrroyo Grande, ~a1~Lfox~nia,
Fe'bruary ~7th, 192~.
C~ty Gounca~.l met pursuant to ad~ ourrunent
with '~ayar C, S. Nobl e in ~he chasr .
On ro11 call , Cvunc~.lmen Nobl e, Canrad, riiorgan,
Poo1e and Coz, reported pres~nt, ~ane absent.
Qrd~nance Number 35 an Ord~nance ca~.].ing a spec~al
elect~on 3.n the C~.'~y of Arroyo Grande, for the purpose
af sub~uitting to the Voters of sa~d C~.ty, the proposit~on
af incurra.ng a bondea a.ndeb~edness b3~ said C3ty for the
acq~~ls~~ion, construction and completion af the follow-
~ng Aitianai.c3pa1 ~mprovemen~ of said City, a v~ater works
system, includ3ng lands, water, water t~ght~, rights ~f
way, pumps, pum~3ng pTants, reservo3rs, stora~e facilaLt~e~,
pipe 1~Lnes, mains, hydran~s and other works, proper~~.es
and appliances necessary or con~enien~t For supp~.ying
sa,~d C~.ty and it,s inhab~.tants wat~h water; Declaring the
estimated cost of sa~d Atunicipa~ xmprnvement, the amount
af principal of said 3nd~btedness to be ~,ncurred therefor
and the rate of ~n~erest to be paid thereon;
Fix~.ng t2~~e date of said e~.ect~on, the manner of ho~.ding
the same, establishin~ elect~.on pree~-ncts and pol].~.ng
pla,ces for said election and appointin~ boards of elect3.an
therefor, and provid3ng for notice thereaf .
On I~iotion of Conrad seconded by Poo1e, ~he ~rd~.nance
Passed second reading by the follo~ring vote;
Ayes, Councilmen Coa, Canrad, Aiar~;an, Noble and Poo~.e.
The ~rd3nanae was ~hen and there signed, by the ~a,yor
and attested by the Clerk af the City.
. Mayor C. S. Noble presented Ttesalut~vn number 3~,
( new series ) a resolut~.on nf ~he L"ity of Arr~yo
Grande~ rec~ues~ing the S~ate Highway Comm3ssi~n ,
- to cont3.nue ~he State IIi~hway through the C3.ty.
On hZot~on duly seaanded, the Itesolution was adop~Ged
by the fo~.lavring vate;
~1yes, Councilmen NobZe, Conrady ~Iargan, Paale and ~oa.
I~nes, Counc3lmen, Non~,
~lbsent, ~omnc3lmen, None.
Na further business appearing amd ~n I~iotian
the meeta.ng was adjourned.
C3t~- Cl~rk.
Attest , _ar.
. . _ _ . . _ _ ~