Minutes 1929-03-20 , ,A~ - Arroyo f~rande, aal~.forn~.a, ~ Aiarch 2Qth~ 19~9. ~ C~.ty Counc~.l r.i~t ~.n reguXar sess3on w~tth r~ayor C~rS.Nable Pres~din~. ' Qn rvll ca11, Counca~.lmen Nab1 e, Conrad, Alargan, Pool e and Caa, reported, present, None absen~. Unappraqed minu~es read and a~~proved as read. Communicat~.ons read and p~aced on f~.1e. The pet~.tion sa.~ned by S.G .P.ecards ar~d others, prot~sting aga3nst the improvement of Aiason Nelson ancl ~i11en Str~~ts, came up for hear3ng, 14Ir. S. C. ~2ecords ar~u.ed for the protestants, and Cx. N. ~~ulett, ar~aed a~;~3nst the protest,and on riota.nn of Po~~e s~conded by hiorgan, RESOLUT~OAt No • 33, (new serics ) 1~ resalutaivn of the Ci~y of ~rroyo Grande overrul~n~; Protests a~ainst the work ' descra~bed ~n ~?esolution Nv . 30, (new ser~Les ) wa,s aci.orted by the ~ fa~lawing vote. . ` Ayes, Counc~lmen riTotile,Conrad, hlargan, Poole and Cog. 1~Tcres, Councilmen, None, ~ Absent, Counc~lmen, Nane. 8 ity Attorneg ~~7. .t1. F3.tzgerald presented ResoXut3an NQ • 34, (new ser~es) ~rderin~; aertain work on certa~n por~ions of bia,son 5treet, Nelson ~treet, A1.1en Street and Iae point S~reet as describ~d in Resalution of ~ntent~.on No. 3~,(new series~ af the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande . and on blot~.on af I~ior~;an second~d by Conrad ~ ~ the I~esal.ution was adopted by the followxng vote. ~iyes, Cauncil.men Noble, Conrad, riior~;an, Paole and Cog, Noes, Cpunc~,lmen None. absent, Counca.Imen, None. . ,~3.ty A~torney ~~.d.T~tz~;erald, presented RESOlution No. 35, ( new sera.es ) A Kesoluta~on d3reata~ng the asse~sxnent to l:~e mad~ and s~.gned by the C~tSr L'ngineer . and on lt;otion af ~ Cox s~concled by Canrad, the resolution was adopted b,y the • fvllawin~ vote. A,yes, C~unca~l.men Nob1e, Conrad, l~argan, Pool~ and Coac. ~oes, ~ouncilmen None, Absen-~ , C c~uncilmen, None . Cit~ t~t~orney ~r.A.F~-tz~;erald, presented Itesa7.u~3.c~n Na. 3E~, ( new s~r~.es ktesolu~ion d.irecting the worl~ ~a be done under the darec~ion of the City Lngineer, and on l~otion of . ~'organ secanded by Conra.d, i:he Resolut3an ~vas adapted by the follaw3ng vote, Ayes, Caunc~.lmen Nab1e, Canr~.d, h~organ, Paole and Cox. Noes, Councilmen, None, ~ Absent, Counc~lmen, None. ~ed biadda~ ~ade applicat~on for the position of Nater ~up~rintend~nt, also J. L. Dean made appl3catian for the pqs~,tion of water su~er~ntendent, the appl3cat~ons were ordered f il ed . The Clerk was instructed to jvr~te to the ~a~lroad Camma,ssion ur~3ng theui t~ tal~e actaon on the applicata.on fo the I~i.C.P.S. ~orporation to sel7, the ~vater plant to the City. No further bus~n~ss appearin~ and on Aio~:ion the meetxn~ was . adj ourned to P,ionclay h~arch ti5th, a~ 7.30 P.r:i , C~-ty C erk. At~est, , Itqayor. , ,