Minutes 1929-03-25 ~ ~
Arroyo Grande, California, ~ 4~
~ ~iarch 2bth, 1929,
City Counca.l ~et pursuan~ ~a ad~ournment, w~th
l~~ayor C. S. Nob~e pres~Cdi~,~.
pn ra11 ca11, Counc3lmen Noble, Conrad, ~iorgan, Poo1e and Co=
~epor~ed, present, Non~ absent. _
TYre f o11 owing b3.11 s~rere a11 awed and ordered gaid .
No. ~325, Lil1y C. Casteel, Serv3cc~s as elec~ion officer, S.OU
" 1326' Edna Schilling~ " " " , 8:OD
a ~,327 ~ MSe G. I~etChum~ n n tt tt ~3. QO
" 1;328, Lesi,ra ~y~e, n n n n 8.OQ
" 1329, B. Short~ E~penses to Sacramanto, ~?.05
dppl3catia~~ nf E. D. Stewart and J. L. Uakley for posit3~on of
water sup~ra.n~endant, rece~.vea and p~acecl on f3~'~e. .
The CpL1Y1C1~ rroceeded to canvass the returns of the spec~al e].ec~io~~
I~e1d I~4arch 18~~~, and after a Ca~nPass of the said electian the C~ty •
~.ttarney presen~ed and read R~solut3on Nn. 37,(ne~ ser3es~
A Res~lut3on d~claring canvass of returns, and result nf s~aeci~l
bond election held A~arch 18~h, 7.9~9.
j~HEItEAS ~ the C ouncil of the City of Arroyo Grande by Oraanance No .
3b, duly cal.led and ordered held ain said City of Arrayo Grande, an
~lecta~an an the 7.Sth, day of ~farch, 192J, for the purpose of submit-
t~n~; to the qual~if~.ed voters thereof the followa.ng proposition, ta wi~:
PROPOSITION: Sha1.1 the City of .Arrayo Grande incur a bonded
~.ndebtedness 3n the princa.p~.1. sum of ~~Q,OOU for
~h~ ob~ec~r,~axxd purnose nf acquiring, construct~n~ and completin~ ~he
fallowing a~Sun3~3.pa1 improvement of sa~.d C~ty, 5o wit t.t1, water. ~arks
system, including lands, wa~er, water r~.ghts, right~ of way, pwnps,
purnping plants, reservoatrs, storage facilitates, pip~ lines, ma3ns,
hpdrants and o~her warks, prapert~es and arp].iances necessar;;~ ar~'.
cvnvenient far su~Plyin~; saic'i Citt~ and aLts ~nhabitants w~th water.
t~ND '(~IERLAS, s~id Urdinance calling and order3.n~ said el~ction was
duly published as requ3red by 1aw and by sa~.d Urdin~nce as~appears from
the aff~.da.vit of ~Y. II. Smith, Qn file in the office of the C~.ty Clerk
of sa~d Ca~tti of Arrayo Cr~.nde, ;
AND WHERExS, 3~ aPpears ~hat sa~.d rpecial :elect~.on was duly held ~ixt
accordance with law and with saicl cal.l, on the sa3d 1~t}a, day of Aiarch,
19~9 as af oresa~d, and that the Poll s s~"d"sa~.d e], ection were kept open
durin~ ~he ta~me requ3.redby 1aw, and that sa3.d elect~ion was held ancl
cofiduc~ed, and tYie votes thereat recelved and canVassed, and the returns
thereoi° ascer~;ained, de~ermined and decls~r~d~ a11 as provided by the laws
of the 5tate of C~liforn~a, and by saaLd Urdatnance;
AND WIIF.~,L.~1S, on this da,y, to ~vit, r~tondayT, the ~bth, d~,y of A~arCh
1.~~~, at the hour of 7;~0 Q~clock, I'.11T. th~ Councxl of sa.id Ci~y of
~lrroya Grande met at ~.ts usual pl.ace of ineet~ng and has canvassed ~
the returns nf sa~.d specia~ elec~~on as required b~ 1.aw, and the
result aI' sa~d canvass a~s founci. to be as hEr~inaf~er statecl anc~ set
TT T~3 II~RL~Y R~aOLVED D~TLR]!'~~~,~'p AI~TP D~CLAR.~D ,
by ths Counc~l of the Ci~y vf
Arroyo Grancl.e, as fvllows; ±
~ 1.- "PhaL- ~he proposi~3on votea upon at sa,icl sp~cial elect3on
was as f o~.1 ows ;
~ P~tO~:'U~T7: ~~N :~ria1~, the C3~y of Arroya Grande incur a bnnd~d
~ indebtedn~ss ~n the principal surn af ~~0,000 for ~~~e ab~eet and
purpose of acc~u~.ring, construct~n~ ~,nd cou~plet~.ng the follaw3ng
; ~Iuna.c~pal improvement of said G~,ty, to w~.t : A water works system,
~ includin~ lancls, ~ater, water righ~s, ra.~hts of ~vay, purnps~ pump~.ng "
u plants~ reservoirs, stora~e facila.ta.es, p~pe '~ines, ma.3ns, hydr~.nts~
; and other ~ti~rks, properties and appl~.a,nces necessary or convenient
; for suppl~ing said City and ~.ts ~.nhabitan~s wa.th water.
Thai; by said ~rdinance oalling said special ele~~3.on
_ _
. ~ :
- sa~,d Ci~,y of A~roya Grande ~~r~.s d~vided into one el eation pr~cinc~ ~ ~~4
and ~ha~ the number tnf vates cast a.n sa3d prse~nc~ in favar a~' and °
a~a3nst sa~.c~ proposit~on was a,s fvl7.aws, ~to-wit : ~ 4 ~
Number of votes cast i~ favor Number of vates cast
of sa~.d proposa~tian: a~a~.r~.st sa~.c~ pr~pos~.tion:
274 ~4
3. -~'hat tl~e to~a~ number of votes aast at sai ~nca~.a1
electa~on ~vas 30~, votes; t}ia.t ~,he numUcr of vo ~~s cast thereat in
favor of sa~td praposit~.on ~vas 274 votesa tha~t ~he number~ of votes
ca.st tllereat a~ainst said propnsit~ton was ~34 votes; that no ballots
were spoiled and not cqunted; tha'~ mqre than two--th~rds of a11 the
votes cast at said ~lection jvere ~n favor af sa3d proposit~on and
author~zed the incurring af a bonded debt for ~he purpos~ s~t for~h
~Ln sa~d propas3tion, and ~hat said proposa.tion carried; ana that the
City C7~erI~ af the Ci~f of ~irroyo Grancle be, and he is hereby, instructed
~o enter th~s r~solut3on on ~he ma.nutes of ~his ~?oard as a sta~~men~
~f ~he result of sa,id electlon.
~ AdoPted and Passea by ~he Czty Counci~. of th~ City of ~irraya Grande,
Califnrn3.a, tl~ia.s 25~h da}* of hlarch, 1~2J.
~ittes~ S
er ai' -~he C3ty o ~ia,yor of ~he C~S* of
~lrroyo rrar~d
Arroya Grand~ , Ca1 if ornia . Ca1 ifarnia .
Presented to and a~~praved by me ~his 25~h, day of 1liarch, 192J.
Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande,
~ Cal ai.f orn~ a .
CI,L1tIi' S CET.xIFIC1~T1+~ ~
~ ri~reby certii'y that the fore~aing resolution was ~~.nl;roducecl and
read at a meeting of the Coizncil of the C~.tv of ~lrroyo Grande, Stete .
of Cali~fornia~ dt~ly called anc~ heltl on the ~5th~ da.p pf hfarch, 1.~29,
at the hour oi' 7: 30 0' ~1 ock Y.RC and that said resolu~ian ~vas there-
af~er a~ said meeting adoPted and passed by vote of a11 of the me~tbers
or said Council as fal.laws:
Ayes: CounciZmen Noble, Canrad, 1~Ior~an, ~'oo~,e and Cvx.
Noes: Counci7,men, None,
~lbsen~: Caunc~lmen, None.
And I~'urth~r certify that said resolut3.an was pr~sented to and
s~,gned and ~.ppro~ecl by C. S. Noble, the "`ayor of said Ci~y on ~he
2~th, d:ay of l~iarch, 1.929.
I further certify ~hat the foregoing resalut~ton a~s spread upon th~
records aF the L'~t,y Cou.ncil of the Catty of Arroya Grande, Calaifornia,
at pag~ 114, of Book 2, a~:' records .
j4itness my hand and sea,l of said tp this 25th, day of Aiax'ch 1929.
C1 erk of ~ e Ca.ty o l~rroyo Grande,
Sta~e of Californa.a.
City At~ox~xiey 11t.ti.Fitz~zald, presentea a.nd read Resolu~t3on
Number 3~ (new ser~es)
over ~
- - - , e _
On Piot~on af l~iargan seconded by Cox, f~he ~esalut3vn was adopted
by the following vo~e;
Ayes, Counci~.men Noble, Conrad, Dior~an, Poo1e and Coa~, 1
Noes, Councilmen, None,
dbsent, Cauncilm~n, None. "
I hereby certify that the i'ore~o3ng resolutian was ~ntroduced .
and read at a~ mee~ing of ~he Coi.znc~il of tYie C~ty of ~rroyo Grande
c1u~.y c~17.ed and held an the 25th, day af ~arch, 192J, and ~ha~
sa~tl resolut~ton was thereafter at said meeting advpted and pa~sed
by vote of a,ll the members of the saatd Council, as fo~lows;
Ayes : Counc3.lmen Nob~. e, Conrac? , Rior~an, Pao1 s and Cox,
Noes; Councilrnen, r1on~~ `
~ibsent: Councilmen None.
And T fur~her cer~a.fy ~ha~ said resalu~ian was present~cl tv, and
s3.~;ned and agprovecl by C.~ .Nob~. e the '~"~.yar of said Cit~ of Arroyo
~rande on ~he ~5~17, day vf ~arch, 1.~~9,
~ further cer~~fy ~ha~~ the foregoing resa].ution a.s spread upon
~he recorcls o~ tYie Cit,y Council of the City of ~lrroyo Grande ~ at
pa~e 216, of bool~ 2, of records . {
~!'itne~s my la.and anc~ the sea1. of the Cit,y of ~'~rroyo Grande, tha.s
25~h, tlay o~P a:arc~z, 1.9~~ . 4 . ~
( I 1 d,(
s~`` C
~ v~'
1~rk o~-- he 1 r o~rroyo Gran e,
~3a,1 if ornia .
Cit~T ~lttorne,yr ~,I. .El. Fitzgeral.d, pres~nted resolut~oat~ Iv'o . 39 ~(new '
s~r~tes )
SL'I,LTNG ~f?~;,OC:G PRINCIP~u, ~1,~i0UNT OF CZTY 0~+' 1~.ItR0Y0 G1~NA~
'LV~ITER ~iONDS Or ~~29.
~~nd on mo~ion of Aior~an seconaed by Canr~d, the resolution '
~vas adopt~cl bV ~the fo11o~'in~ vate. ~ ;
'.~yes : Councilmen Nob~.e, Conrarl, 1liorgan, Pool e and Cox, '
Noes; Counca,lmen, None,
Absent; Counczlmen, Non~. ~
~ hereb~r certxfy th~.t the foregn~n~ resalut3on ~as ~.nt~nauced
r~nd read a~; a mee~,ing of ~he Cotxnci7, pf the Ca.~:Y .b.~~r~•wx~ G7rar.de '
~~~.3~ c~.1e~. ~~a~~ he7.d on the 25t1a, day qf 1i`arck~, ~~2~J, and ~ha~ saa.d
resalution was ~hereaf~Ler at saicl meeta.ng adaptea and passed by ~ote +
a11 the m~mbers vf saa.d Counc3,1, as fo7.lows;
~lyes; Counca.lrnen No$le, Conrad, P~:or~an,~ Pool~ and Co$,
" Noes; Counc~.lmen None, ~
Absent ; Connca.lmex~, None~
And i further a~rtify that saxd resolut3an was presen~ecl ~o, and
s~~necl and ap~provet~ by C. S. Nobl e~he 1,`ayor of said C~.ty of brroyo
Grande un the 25'tli, day af Pwlarch, 1.~72J,
- I further certify that the fore~,o~hng resolution is spr~ad upon
th~ recoras oi' tY.e Ca.tv Cou7~ci1 of ~11e Ca.ty of Ar~C~yo Grande, Ca.liforx'iia,
at pa~e 21t3, of bvo:~ 2, of recorc~s.
Zyi~ness my lzand and tlze seal of said CaL~ ~his w th~ day of Alarch,
C er o he C~.ty af Arroya
~ Grande, CalifornaLa.
No further business a~pearz~~~ and on motion the n~eet3ng
was ac7. j ournec'~..
. y er .
~ ~.ttest, ~ c~`"~ Dlayor~ ~'~~~W~ ~
~ ,