Minutes 1929-04-10 . . . . ~ ~ . , ,
Q ~
U ±
Arroyo ~:srande, Ca~.iforna.a, ~
_ Apr~-~. 10th, xD29.
Ci~y Cau.r~.c~.l ~~et pursua.nt to adjour.nr:ent, with I~iayar,
C .Nobl e, pres~.d~ng.
Un ro? 1 ca,~1, Councilmen ~vTobl~, Canrac7., ATor~an~ and I'no1e,
reportea, ~sresent, Cox aUsent.
This bein~ thc date fi~ed for open~ng the bids c?n the paving
of porta.ons of A:ason, Nelson, 11.11en and LePo3nt Streets, it was
, the arder of the ~~ayor that the C1erl~ proceed ta open ~lae b~Lde.
~3ic1 of Irv~ng I~ . Ricler, ~;41,841.'~Z
n Ca,]~if . 9ons,Co. 4F,~2$.31
" " i,iercer I'razer Co . (too 1a~e, )
" n jyestern Roads f;o. 4'7,~72.08
„ Heafey--r~loore Car.Ypany,:~---__w~__.~_.. 4g~F~s~.BF
~t appear~n~; that Tr~ing r~ Ricl.er, a.s the lawest and bes~
b3d, and on P~Iotai_on by Conrad and seconded by Poo1e, ~1i~ •
Rider ~as ativarded the contract, City ~lttarney teh. ~1. FaLtzger~ld,
presen~ed RI~SOLUT~ON No. 40 (new ser~es)
: A resolutian of the Gi~y Councxl of the Cit,y of Arroyo Crrande,
award~.ng the contract for the wor]~ descr~bed in RESOI~UT~G~I OF
INTENT~OI'i No . ~Q, (ne~r ser~.es )
I hereby ceri:ify that P.~solution No . 40 (nsw series ) was duJ.y
and re{;u1ax ly ~ntraduced ancl ac~opted by ~he City Council of the
~a.~y of ~'~rroyo Grande at an acl.journed re~u~.ar nieeting thereof ~
he~.d oz~ the 10th, aay of ~'lpril, 1~29, b~ the fnllowing vote: ?
Ayes: ~puncil.r.len, Nable, Conrad, biorgan, and Poole~
xaes : counc~.lr~ex~, None,
~,bsent : Councilmen, Cax.
ty er .
Plans and ~pecaLfa.cations for centrifu~a,lly-~cast iron pipe, ~
was presentecl to the Council by Engatneer Burch, ~nd on ~~otian
~he p7.ans and specif3cat~ons were acc~;pted.
^~r.ota.ce to Contraetor~ ~va.s ordered pub~.ished i~ the FIera~.d-- .
Recorder, far sealed bids for ~he purchase of c~.st iron w~,ter pipe
and fitt~.n~s, up to and includ~ng th~ first day of ~'~iay, 1929, at
~ 0' cl.pck I'.~,':. to be ~here p~21:l~cly oPened and read.
1?irs Pred ~ones, asl~ed f~or some sprin7~ling to be d~ne on
~he str~ets, where rac2~ ana sand ia being l~auled.
Orban 1'h~.lbr3cl~, presen~ecl a pet~ttion organiz~ a Yvl~~~teer
fire Company, and on P„ot~.ox~ it was p~dered that the Counca.l
give tYie fire Cor:~~any what a~~sistance they cau~d.
No furtl~er bu~iness appear3ng the meeting was ad~vurried.
~ C t~ er
~~test, ZO. rlayor .
r ,