Minutes 1929-04-17 ~
.~rroSra Grande, ~aliforni~.,
Apr~l 17~h, 1~)~J.
Ca.ty Counc~]. met in re~ula.r session tivi~L~1 ?.:ayar,
C. S. Nob~.e presiaing.
On ro11 ca17. Councilmen Noble, Corirad, ~yor~an~ Poa1e
and Cax, repor~e~. present, None absexit .
Unapprovec~. m~.nu~es read a,nd_ approvecl as read.
This bc~.n~ the re,~;ular r.meeta.n~ for the openxn~ oP th~ bids
for the ~.ns~~zlla,~~.an of deep--wEll pumps at the Cit,y tvater we11,
~he ~'`ayor ias~tr~ctec~ ~he Clerk ta proc~ed ta apen the l~~,ds. ,r ~
~ Tl~e fol~o~vin~; bicls ~~ere openecl and recaraed.
~`ollnston Ywnp, Gampany, ~ 1594.00 . f`
1794. 00 J
Layne--Bo~vler Yump €~o. ___~~w__~--------------.,__--- 14:?5.C~U
B,'r"Y'~33^'.a;1Cii1~())1 ~.i:i• -,_____~_~~...«.r_________-~_
Ulmer ~r~Iach~.nery Co. ~~~~.0~
" ~Tohn I3ean It~f'~. Ca. 1(~=(;~.OU
Pomona, 1'i.unp Ca 1,47f . QO
1s~~4. o0
Peerless ~'~zzan Co. _w__-------~...~___~_.~___~_______~._ 2p4'~:4~,
On ir~at~on of I'o~~.e seconclecl b~[ Cox, the a~varc~.in~; of tYie
coarxtract ~vas 1.a~d over ~o ~Yedn~sday Apr31 24th, at ~ O~C1ock P.~I.
Telepkaone b~,~l for ~5.10 allowed and orc~er~d pa~d.
Na further bus3n~ss appear~n~ and on ~~otion the mee-L-in~ was
adjourned to ~lpr~.l 24~h,1J~:J, at ~ Qf Clock I'.L~~[.
. ~ ~
~Cv- ~ G ty C er ~ .
~ttsst, ,T~tayor .
a _ ~