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Minutes 1929-04-24
i~ ~O ' ~ M... ~ ~ Arrc~yo Gu~nd~, ~al~.forn3a, dpril 24~h~ 19~~7. Ca-ty Ccauncil i:i~t pursua.nt tc ad~ournment, t~itl~ l~~ia~ror C. Nab1~ pres~.c1.:.3-_~;. L~r. ru1.1 c~.~. i Cc~uncilmen i~o'~1e, e;anrad, uar~;an. ?'ovle ~~i ~'a~, repari:ed, present, P;one absen~. ~ The Cottnc~.1 prqceeded to ~al~e u~~ the que~tion of a,tiv~,rtlin~ the contr~ct for ~he dee~~~t~e17. ~um~, On i'riQt'i10T1 of ~'oo~e seconcleu. by Canrad a.i:, w~,s ordered ~ha~; . th~ Byron-~ac?.tison ~'urip hc ptxrc~~ased. The C1er~ iv~.s ~.nstrL~cted to procL~re es~zmates on fences at cacli szcle oi' ~Ixe ~3treet a,t ~'°'li~.teley ~tr~dt,of '.ath p~ipe a.nc~ woad• I~to furtrier bus~.ness a, ~ppea.r~n~ a.ncl on ;~iotion the meetin~; v~Taa ad~ourn~d. ~ ~ v1- - ity C er litte~;~, ~-~ayor. i i ~