Minutes 1929-05-15 , . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Granc~e, Cal3forn~La, , t~Yay 15th, 1~~9. ~ M ~ Cit3* Counc~l me~L in re~u~ar sess~.on srith i}Iayor C.S.Nob1,e ~ presid~n~. f Oz~ rall call Counci7.men No~~le, Conrad, ~«or~an, ~'oole and " Cox, reported pres~nt, none absent. , Co~nunai.catyons reacl ~.nd placec7. an f31e. ~1oxz PTugen~, represent~an~ the volun~ary fare dep'artment acldressed the Councal on the sub3ect of f3re protecta.on and aslied the Cvwzc~.l to apno~nt the officers tha~ ha.d been na~med by the recentlt organized comp~Lny,. On 1~ot~on o:~' 1?oo7,e secondecl by 6onrad, Charles Ii. Branch was appoi ni~ed Fire GI7ief, iv3th Trwin ~ai~.ey as fir~~ a~sis~ant f a.re chief ~ . B. L. Short offerecl a p3ece of land loeaterl on 5ho~#~ and Al~en Str~et, as a g~:ft to City. wa~ the order of ~Ll1e Counca.l, to a~?paint I3. F. ~tewar~, Secretary of the ~1"ater depa,rtment witli a salary of ~40, 00 per Month. The Superintendent of Streets ~vas ordered ~o rePlace the fire IIydrant an Garclen at~ee~. ~"he City Clerl~ ~vas instruc~ec~ to order from the Wa~erworks Company of' San Francisco, 11,00 fee~ of 4 inch cast irori water P1p~s• '~'he C~.erk was a.n~truci;ed to fina ou~ abnut ins~~ 11in~ li~htmm~g rods at the Stanclard. 0~.1 Co . plan~ . _ 1"he C1~r1~ `vas instructed to prepare an Urdinance gaver~lin~; t~ie wa~G ~:~r departm~nt . No fur~her business appearin~; the meeting was acijourned. > ~ Cai.t,y C erk. , , ~~ttest, , ~Iayor. ~