Minutes 1929-06-05 lr~«J ~
Arroya Grande, Ca1i~C'ornia,
~ Jun.e 5t~i, 19~9.
Cit,y Cnitnca.l r~et in i e~uli~r se~sion tvith ~,Fayor
C . S . Nob~.e presidxzz~;.
pn rv11. c~.11, Gounc~.lmen Nob~.e, T,~or~;an,~'oole and Cax,
repo~tecl presen~, Counca-lman Conra.c', Abs~nt.
Unapprovcd a:~at:~u~es reacl and. approved as r!~ad.
83~1s a~aa~ns~t the ~eneral fui~d in ~he amoun~ of -----:~558.~'c~
bein~ numlaers 1~t~5 to 1381,
8~.1~s a.~a~nst ~he j1'ater depa,rtm~nt ~.n amoun~ of ~3~f72.`~~
bean~ numbers ~.2 to 32. ,
RL+'SGLUT:~~N No . 4~. (new ser~.es )
a~~~sa~.utzon a,ccepuin~ a~ deed from the. hiidlancl Coun~iesPublic
~ervice Cor7~oz ~,t~on.
~'T:, IT IiE;:OLVZ:D by the Council of the C~.ty of lii~royo Graz~de, that
~Mat certa.in. deed dated 11pri1 1. ~th, 1!~2J, r*~ade anEl executea b,y the
~,Iid~.and Gounties P~.i1,1ic ~ervicc vo~~~~o: ~,~~o-: ~,r? aonvw; ~.n~ i~•. ~h~
t~ G~~~.!~dr i~EVe~~a~ .~iECCS or ~?arcel s of rea~ property,
be, and the saMe is l~ereby accepted by t,he Ca~~y of ~lrroya t~ranae.
YT FU~t~I3LR RL:`~OLV~'D, that the Cit,y C1erk, "be, ancl he is herel~~r
aut;l7or~.zec1 a,nc~ clirect-ca to c~~use said deed to be recorded in the
off~ce c:f th~ Cotitnty Ii~carder of the County of
~an I~L17.S Ob~.spo .
I'assed and adopted_ a~ a regular meetiz~:~; of the City Counc~l of
t,h~ C~-ty of
:~rroyo Gr~.nde, he1c1 on the 5~h, day c~f ~une 1~ti`~ ~ b}r the
fo]_~otving ~'~te: .
.~yes: Gounc~.~.men Nob7.e, nlor~,a~l, 1'oole anrl Cox,
8oes: CounGilmen None,
Absen-~, Counc~tlman Gonrad..
A~test, r..,
~ ~`a.s~or,
C ty er L.
z Yiereby certa~f,y tx~a.t the i'ore~o~ng ~s a fu~ l, trlie and cnrrect
c,opy of ~~eso~ut~on h'o . 41( nerv serics ) ias i~he sar~e notv a~pears on fi1 e
a.nd of record 3n my affice.
~ated th~s bth day of ~'une :L~~~. ~
o C~t~,T ~r
~esoluta~on _:0 42 (ne~~r series )
A~tesaluta~on acceptin~ a deecl fror~ ,T B~vcl~et~ a.ncl Llfriaa la.
PL T R~SULVED by th~e Counci~ of ~he City af ~1rro,yo Grande that that
c~rtain deea ciatecl b:ay 22nc1, ~'329, made and. executed 'by J.~'~,~eckett
a,na ~lfrida L. B~cket~, ana conveying ~o ~he C~i-ty cf ~~rroyo Grande
a11 that ~ certa~.n piece oi parael ai' land situate in ~Izc Cottnt,y of
~an Luis Ob3spo, St~.te af California, and 7,ar~icularly describecl as
1"ollvws, to-tiv3t:
Commenca.ri~; at a~ po~n~ on t,he Northerly 1.in~ of Lot 2~ of Harris t
Resubd~.visaon~ of a part of the Ranchos Corral c7.~ I'a.eclra, T~~. ~'~sino and
Bo~.sa de Cher~isal.:as per i,iap of said suha~.va~s~on nov~ on .fxle in the
af'f•i.ce of th~ County Recorder~s off~.ce, ~~an Lu~s (~~~~spb County, Ca~3.f.
sa~Ld point of beginning bea.n~; a~stant 5. 29° 25' 10'. ~.4.n f~et along the
northerl.y 11ne r~f saa.d Lot ~9 from ~he mos~ westerl.y aorner ~f a~ra.ct
of lana conveyed by the 1lrroyo CTrande .P;I.~.G~!~:rch, la,y deed, ~La the Coast
~ide Car~pmeeta~ng ~lssoc3a~~-on, Ju7~e 1~tT~, ~.~13, ~,na r~corded ~n Vo~.ur~e
J"7 of deeds, a~ ~?a~;e 370, `~a,n Lu~s (~~ispo County 1~ecords, and runn~.ng
tlzence fram said point of be~;~,nn3n~; S. 2~° 55~ I~~. 10~.~ f~e~ to a point
on the ~v~sterl'y line of sa~ci. conveyec3. '~rac~, Thenae S. 7°47~" ~353.6
feet alan~ the ~es~erly 1a,ne oP sa3c1 canv~yed ~hact ~to a Po~tnt: Thence
S. ~4° 05' j~. ~6.0 fee~ to a Pa~tnt; Thence N. 25° 55~ ~Y. ~0~.0~ feet
to a po3nt on the nor~herly la.ne of sa~td Lot 2~ ; Thence 1~ . 2Ja 2b t~.
?4~.~ feet a~.on~ th~ nvrtherly l~ne of sa~.d Lo~ 29 t~ the po~nt of beg.
and bea.n~ par~ of said xaot 29.
` ~rrG+~ ~on~Ynue~ frnm page 223,
-be, and the sar~e ~s herevy acce~~er1 by the C3t,y af ~irro~ro Grande,
The City C~.erl~ a.s hey~eby d~.rec~ecl tv cause saic~ deec7. ~o be recorc~ed
in the of~'ice a~ the `'OLl11~j* i:ecorder ~i' the Countsr of ~an Lu~is Ob~.s~o ,
Passeci. ancl. aclo~ted th~.s 5th, aay of ~une 1~~~~, by the follawxng
~yes, Counci7,men ivToble, Ptior~art, I'aole an.d Cox.
Noes, Counca.lm~n None,
~~bsent Gounc~.lman Conrad.
~a.y o r ,
a. ~T er ~ .
itL~}:sLUT:~ON iVo . 43 ( new ser~es )
A Reso~.u~ion acce~tin~ a deecl from J.~1.Bect:et~t ancl ~~lfriaa T.
B~ T'~ Rr ;OLVLD b~Y ~he Counc~~ of .~he City af =i~~ro;y~o Gra.nde ~ tha~
~ha't certain deed dated t,~ay ?2nd, ~~?9 ~acl.e and execu~ed by
J.~1.Beck~tt ancl_ T~al.fr~da L.Becltiett, ancl conveyin~ ~to tl~~ ~a.ty of
lirro3ro ::'r~.ncl.e ri;l~~~ of way ala~.~ ~I~c fo+~o~v~ri~ describe~. ~.ine,
t o ~-ts~z ~ :
Co~ner~rin~ at a po~.n~ in the nor~herZy 1a.ne o~' ~Glze ~lrroyo
~ra~ci.e and ~'isz*io ~:a~,d. cl.~.s~ant easterly ~ feet at r~.~;lit an~;~.es from
ths northerly ~.~ne of ~ot ~30 ~ 2~ ~f Harris' Itesubd~t~~.sions of a part
af ~he ~tanchos Corral de tJ3.ec~ra,E1 ~'~.smo, and Bu1sa de Chemisa~. as
~~er :•~.ag~ o~' sa.icl subdiva.s3.on no~v on file in the Caun~y ~f~cC~rder~s Offi.ce.
San L,u~s Ubispa County, (%alil orr~ia, and runnin~ tkienceNorth~r~y 1550
i'~et parallel ta the northcrly l~.ne of saicl Lots 3C~ w~c and clistant
ea.sterly ~ f'e~t :.t ri~;ht an~Ies therefram« I~~ anc~ the saz~e ~s h~reby
accep~ed bv the Cx~y of ~-rro9o Grande, the Ca-t~~ C1erk is her~by d3.rected
to caus~ sa~.c~ deed. ~o be recordec~ in the off3c~ o~' the Caunty i~ecorder
af ~he County of ~a~1 Luis Ob~.spo .
Pa~s~~ a.nc~ a~o~t~a tla~:~ f~f~~ day of J't~e1.~~~7, l~,y- th~ fallo~vin~
Ayes: Caunca.lrlei~ jyoble, '~,yor~;an, Poole and Cox,
~?oes; C~unc~l~en Non~,
i~bsent, Councilman Canracl..
C .iv ol~l ~
~i c`1,3* Q T`
~l ~tes-~ 13 .Stetvart ~
c c"~Te`
Ln~inc:er '~ux~ch, ~reseil~ed r~1~.n~ an 'N~ci~'iieata~ons for the tYater
~.i.ne~ and lieservoir, and af~er an e n~ination by tI.e Coixr.ci~ and
on I~,rot~an ni' Cax s~cor~ciec~ by ~,soiy~;ar., ;he plans rvere accep~ec~.
iY~o~ec~ l~y i1._ox~~;~n ant~ seconc~ed ~iy ]:'oole, ~t ~.a~ oraerecl that the
Ca~.t;~ ac~ver~~.se for b~i~s fc?~ tt~.e p~pe l~ne ~,nd I~e~ervo:ir, bids ~o
ope::ed June `?Cth, ~~2~, at ~3 Cc1ocl: i•.~~~.
i~,~psre~l ~y -i`ior~an and secoi~ded ~y rao~e, ~.t ~vas order~c~. to adver~ise
for ~i:~s on tn.e l~.aulint, thc ~vater Pi~e f'rom depot, and distribute same
a~.on~; th~ ].~ne a~.' the Propvsec~ water l~ne~ bids 1;o i.~e opened J"une
1.~th, 7.9~?~), at ~ C~cl.ocl~ ~~.1~I.
Tvo fur~her ~~ma~snoss appear~n~; ancl on i.~oti.oY7 the nieeti
was a~jozix•nea. ~ ~ .
C~..t3r C eT'I~ •
~~.tte~i~, , ~~ayor.
~ - _ L~ - - - --~._W~x . _