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Minutes 1929-07-17
".J7 ~~G+O ~ ~ ~ ~iri ayc~ +~ra,ncle, C~.~.a.forx~ia, uuly ~.'7tl~i, x~^~. C~.t~r Counci~ z~~et ~~~~i re~u~.~r se ~sio~z t~~th ~:<~,;Tor, C. No1~1e, ~rc~zcl:i.~l~. On rvll ca7.J~ ~,~otincilrien Conr~.c~., l~or~;~.n, ~'nole anc~ Cox~ reportec~. presenU, T~'one aUscnt. Un~.~~~rav~d ri~iizu~:-es re~,cl ax~c~ a~~i~ovec~. re;ac~ . ;4I?~.aC~LU~~.fli1 Rro. 4.',a ~te~o~tx~ipn acce~ting a d~ ed from Co~.st ~ide Car:1~a~~ee~i.n~; ~~::sociaLion. a~' i~~~e ;,We~~~aoc~.a.~t LpiM copa~. Chi~rch, was ~re.>entec?. l~,y ~I3e U1erl~, a.nd ~~a,~sec1. ~.r~~. adortecl~ by the fol~.o~v~.g v~te. es: Co~~nc~1~~~n, ~~ao'a1e, ~vnx'aa, ~,:o~•~a~., i'oa~.c; ~.nc7 Go,:.. 2voe~:. ~aunaiJ:r.ien, ~woneK "l.~sent ~ uounci~z :erx,:, one . ~'he Plc~~o]~u~ion jY.~s tl:Ge» si~;ned bv the I~,ia,yor, and at,~es~;ecl b,y the C7. c,'i'lt. I'.3a;~U~LU'~~OPd No. k I~CSp~L2~;10I1 accep~in~ a~ease fz°om ~I~~e Coast ~~de qampr.~ec~~.n~ li:~socia~ion of i~he i;iel;haaist Chtirch. TYie I~esoluta.on ~vas read U,y tlie Clc~;~k, and pas~ecl b,y i,hc follvw~.n~; vvte' ~1yes :~ouncilmen, ~~Tob1 e, Conracl, P,Ior~an, Yool e ana Cn~. Na~s: Couna~lmen~ T~one, A~k~searat« Caunci~men~ None. ~'l~e ~te~olu~ion tivas then s~~nea b~~ the `~a,yor ancl attes~ecl. by tI7~ C~.erk. (3RD'1:Td1iIdCZ ido . (~rc~inance I~~o an Ura~nance of i~he C~t~y of ~rro,yo ~rrande, f~.x~n~ anc~ c3.esi~na~in~; ti!c ~imE and ~a~.ace fo rt~eetix~.gs af ~Yie City Council c~f ~~le Ci~~~ of' Ai^~~o;~a CTrande .~~ze fsrclina,nee was reac~ 'I~~r tlae Cl erk and pa:>setl f~rst r~acla.n~; '~f tlze ~'O~a..UjY1Y1~; vote. ~lyes: Gounci~men, P•~al~]~e, ~onracl, 1~Ic~r~;an, 1'oole amcl. Cox. Noes : Counc~lt~en, T~Soz~~, ~bsent : Counca.lmen, ~Yone . . ~ohn ~arc].in presen~;e~. a b~,~~ a~ainst ~;he ~~ater svorl~s (1~2J ) I?onc~ 1ni;erest ai~r:1 ;.;:7_11Ii~I1~:; :r'L111C~~ for ~~a~-zr:ezat an ~-~i~1~.n~, ~vater pip~. _ the bill iv~~;~ n~u:~b~:r~:~_ ~'7 anc~_ ;vaa ~~as~ec7. for ~100.C?C~ ~ l~:r rit;l~~ aaare ~ sed t}ie i:ouncil on ~Yie sttb j ect or ater I~;Iei;ers , ~uper~ntenc~en~ of ~tre~~s ~aTa.s a17.owec~. a fei~r da,ys lea,vc oF absence« ~~Ir. Nor~hrop a.~so ~.aares:~~,a tlie C;ouncil on the subjec~ of Nep~Lt~ne I,Ieters . . Tt tivas ora~rec~ lay ~~ze Cottnc~.Z ~Ilat the S~tree~ ~ ttpt . I~ave the ~ ~~11o~vs cu~ aloa~~ ~he Tal~.y lIa ro~,ci. iva fur~her busin~ss a~pearin~; ~lie :rieet~.n~ was adjourned. Lestra l~y~e. pepti~t,y Ca~t,y C~er~. !~-t~es-~, , xuayar. f