Minutes 1929-08-07 ~~9
Arroyo Cranae, Californ~a,
11U~L15~ "T~Il~ ~.;3H~.
Gi~Lv Couz~c~.l met i.nre~uxar session ~vi~Yi
L. Alar~an, acta.n~ i:xayor', pres3d~.ng.
Una~~provecl minutes reaci and approvecl as re~,ci..
Coz~nunical;inns from tlie Le~a,~ue of California
P,y unicip~.~.~t~es and otI~er sources an ~.he subject
01' 1iab~1~.~~~ insurance was read andplaced on fi~.e. -
Tlie Cit;y Clc:rk ~vas 3nstrme~ecl ~,o ~~et ini'ar~~~t~on
in r~s~~eci, ~c~ i,~~e LiaUil~.~:,y ~nsurance la~v,
L~,1I~._a.~ai~~~st, ~T~e Cxeneral fund in the amot~n{; of
~`~550.On ~u:;bercr~ fr~~r~ 1~3:J~a t~ :~413} ~?a~ la~°~±:
o1~c;.Cx"~d ~~.~.c~..
;;i1.ls a~;ains~ the ~Va.ter bosa fund oS' 1~2~1 ~n the
s~.~na af :~v~""r:a . C~a nu` ~crc;tl fro~ a'~ to_ E;F tv~,s a1~ a~Ye~. ancl
ard~rec~ ~~aid,
C. I~ . ~x~a.ixa~er acldx~e~sed the ~ounci~. on the sub j ect
of ~he excavatin~ ozz ':'est l3~ anch Street, ancl a,fter a.
Prolon~~a c~iscLis,ion thc proPosii;ion ~vas ~~,~d avcr,
1~~~~ULU~ rqN No . •~4 (ne~v ser3es ) '
I':esalution No .~4 a Resolu~ian acce~t~.n~ a, deea from
L. ~1e~b i~aoore, ~vas prese~~tec~ hy the C1er~~., anci
passea and a,cloptec~., by i:,h~ fo~.lotivin~ vote.
~lycs : Counca.lmen T•:ior~;an, Canracl, I'oo1 e and Cox,
~pes, ~ounc~.lmen, hone,
1a;~~sent, Councilman C. S. Nob~. e.
O~,I)~i;~.IdCr; Pdo. ,
Urc~.inancc ":o. ~3C~, an Crc~inance fa~xzn~ ancl a~si~;na~~,n~;
the time ana p~~~ce ~i' meetin~s c~f ~hc Ci~y Council.af the
' C~.~y of ~lrroyo ~Xranc~e. Th~ (~rciir~a,~~ce ttias rc<za ~,y ~~ae C;lerk
ancl ~assecl seconcl rea.d~ing, a,ncl order~d prin~Lec1, by the
i'ollatvin~ Vote;
:~~~ES: CoLZnc~lmen ~:ror?;an, Conracl, I'oale anc~ Cax.
h'o~s: Co~xncslmeza, Nozze,
~bseni:, : Counc~.lman C . S . NoUl ~ .
No further bu~~.ness appearin;; ana an i:otion i;he ~
m~e~in~ ~ras acljo~~rn~c~ ~Lc; 1~L~~;ust 1.4~:Y1, at~ ~ Ucld~ck T'.I~.~.
C~.t,y er1~,
~~tes , i~Iayor.
. .