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Minutes 1929-08-14
,4--.~. . . . w m, ~ ~~o - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~irx•o,yU ''~'~11(~.e~ Calif'orn~.a, ~i11~L1S~ .1.4~.~"1~ Ci~L~~ Cc~tlr.c:~±?- i:ieu pl~rsuan~ to a.ajaurnr.?er_t ~vi+,,h . i'~ . Coiirad actin~ ; :o:r~ar, pr~s~.ding. Cin ro11 ca~.~ , Couxicilmen Ptlar~an, Conracl, Poo~ e a.na Cox r~:~ox•tc~cl, presGn~L, Cvunc:ilraan ~:ob~.e, al~s~n~:. 3'hc I~rapos:it~on a.~' L~.ahility :insuranse tivas ~ c1~.sctxssec~ at same lc;n~t;~, ancl ti~e C~~y C1crk ~va,s yns-~ruc~ei~ ~Lo use h~s best jucl~er~ent anc~ i~;s~.~re t~e Cit~r o~vncc~ cars ancl trual~s . Tt tivas orc~ered ~liaL i:lle C~.i~y 1~u~ild. i~he ~~vp fences a~.ong ~3ranch ~tree~ across the fa.ll cormionly l~no~vn as ~~'~Yiite;~.cy :~tre~t. - ]Vo ft.~rl:lie;r T~usa~ness apPearsn~; anc~ on F~lotion the ; ~eeting tvas adjouxnccl. ~ _ Cit~* Cler l~i~~est, ~ ~ ;~sa,yar. .