Minutes 1929-08-21 ~lrro,yo Gr~ir.c~c, Ca~_i~'or•ni~ , ~iAi.~ ~'~i:.~ ~ `r~~ S ~ ~ 7.. % i . City CoY.~r~ci1 met ir~ r~~,ul sess~.an ~v~.tl1 , H. L. Cn~ ac~ilzr ~•,iayor pre~idin~ - (~n r~11 ca1.1 , Gpi?ncilmen Coic, Canrad anc~ j'~ .I'ool e repar~ecl present, Cou~lci7.meii Nvble ~.nd ~~:organ absen'~. Una~provec? r:~.nutFs ~-~ea.c~ anc~ approvec~ ~.s r~ad. ~.t was arcl~rec;~ t':at tl?~ Cxty purch~.se eoncr~te p3pe f'or -Lhe storx~~+ w~ tez~• r~r~lin in ;youEh sicle ~,:ason ~tree~, ~ric~~e . x;i-;E~C)LL.r~l'~Ei~t T~To . A~ (net~r series ) l~ Tiesolution a~~provinfi clia~~;ram o:C ASsessmen~ ais~rict~ i~z ~~e z~~~,~~:ez• oi' ~~ie impi vvemen~ of partians ~.~~Nl~r~r of . i~iason, Ne7.soi~, 1~11en anci. Le ~~aint S-~reets in tlae Cii;,y ax ~1~-•royo :sranc~e. ~lie liesolLtt:~on ~vas reacl b,y ~;ie C7.er1~ ana y?assed. hy ~he fo~.lo~yin~ va~e. 1~~ es ~ Co~.inc~l.men Conracl, I'aol e ancz uox, i~ac:~, Counc~ilmen, None, 1~",as~nt~,Cotincilmen Noble ancl :~or~an. ~:'lae f o7~1. oti~~ yn~; ~~ill s tv'erC ~,1.1 o~ved ancl orclered a3.d, U1litec~ :;t~~l;;e~:. Ca~t -.~~'~ri ~~iPe Co. - ~12,95~i.83 t~r1. I~ane, F,177.`3'7 Geor~;e Ftue, ~ ryF~.50 s'otal bi11s, , ~~~9~?.~0 ny i~;o~ion vo~Le of ~hanl~s was exi;enaec~ i:,o ti~;uperv~.sor ~ A. Yortex^ a,n~~ Cc~n~rac;.or Zr~ sii; Z~ . Ra-cl.er, ~'ar ~;heir actiaii in I'a.v ~ zx~; ~he a~n~ersec~~on of ~.~.1 en anc:~ ~irid~;e at~eets, anct ~l:e ai~ j~hiteley S:'tr~et pav~d. r~~o ~L~rv~;r~~~ ~~us3ne~:s a~pearin~ arzc~ on n:ota_on ~he meet~n~ was adjourned.. C~ti~,y t:. er~. Atte~t, ~ i,i~,yor. t~rroyo C~ranae, i;a1 if'ornia.. ~u~ust 21st~ '1'Yie Cit,y C~ltt1C:LY me~L at 9 Uo~oCk I'.1~1. as a j?oa,rtl. o~' ~qualizat~on, . ~n Ro11 call ~ Counci7.meii Cox, Conra.cl. anc~ I'ool~ ~cported, present, Caunc:ilmen xyobl e ana ::.or~an, absen~ . , II~. li~. Cox was caller7. to ~he aliair anrl. s~taLed 1:he object o~ th~ meei;~ng was tv hear claims or protes~;s against ~L~ie assessmen~, T~o protests appearin~; a.ncl no further bus~.neds appe~.r~.ng, tlxe r~~et~.n~; ~va~ adjourn~cl ~a ~Vedne ~.ay ~eptember 4th~ t~29. at J~c~ock 1.,::[. ? Cxty C er . Att~s~, -cc•~.c~~e.~ ~iayor. . ' _ . ..:a l~ .