Minutes 1929-09-11 ~~3 ;
Arrayo Grande, Ca~3forna.a,
SeptemUer 11tix, 1~~~D. '
C~-tZ~ Caunci~. met pursuan~L ~o acl.~ au~znmezat 'wa~th
r~iaypr C. S. Nobl e~.n the c~a~.r .
On rol~. c~z7.1 Caunc~.lmen Nab~. e, Canraci., Poo1 e a~nd Cox
reported preseri~, Counci7.iTian A'-organ, a.bsent .
~r,~;oli.~~io~i 1lra . , (netv "er~.es ) ~ ~ ,
Anprovi.ng t~~ ~lss~ssmen~ for the Tnipravement of port~.ons
~ of I~iasan, Nelsnn, A11en and Le F'oint Streets ~.11 the .C3.~y
of ~rroya Grande.
mhe R~solution was presEn~ed and read by Cit~T Ai%torney
~i. A. Fitz~era~~.~-, a~nd on t+iot~.on du~,y secandea ancl carried,
the ~~esoluta.on was adopted b?- the i'o~.lot~in~ vate.
A~*es : Coiinc~.lmen R'ab1~, Conrad, Cox ancl Poole,
Noes, : Gounc~.lmen., None,
~lbsent: ~ouazc:ilman ~~{organ.
No further bu~iness appeara.ng ancl on i~1vt~.on ~he
meetzng `va.~ adjourned.
Ca.~,y C erk.
~ttest, ~ '~~yor.