Minutes 1929-09-18 ;~.:'7' ~ 234 ~ ~ ~ r ~ E ~ F 4 i llx~royo Grand~, Ga]. ~.f orra ia, ~ Septe?~ber ~.8th, 1.g29. Gity Councal. n:e~ in re~ular sess~.on Evith hlayor C. ^ . I~ob1.c pres~,ding. . On ro11 cal l, Counailmen Nobl e, Conrac~, anc~. Pool e reporteu pr~sEnt, Councilmen ~'or~;an ancl Cax, absent. LT~a.~xll'pY@(~ ma.nutes read and a~proved. as reacl. Co~nunieatians from the ~acl~er ~:Teter Co . anc3 Lea~ue of Cal~furn~.a~ h~uzai.c~pal~ties, reac~. and ~~laced ax~. f~tle. A petition ~i~;rzed 't~y E. F. Hv~l;ins A. t'~. HawX~3,ns ana others, peti~L~.ai~in~; ~'or ~~avement on Whxt~ley, ana ~de Streets, tvas r~a.a by the G~.erk, anc~ on 1!Iotion was 1~,ic1 _ over ta t~~~ next meeting, ~ept. ~5~h,. C1ain.s at;ain~t ~he ~s'a.ter ~ond accouni;, ~~Tas ~,l~.owe~l a.s fo17.a~vs; jw'i1~,iam Lane, ~~J15.24, Geor~r Fue, ~~330.25, BL~rch a~nd Becl~, ~5b0,U0, tiva.~ allowed ana orc~ered paid.. pn: recpmendata.on of ~Y. B. Burch Lngix~eer ~n char~;e oi' ~rorl~ of Uua~lclin~; the concre ~e l':eservoir,-.- tha.t the Contractor ~Yilla~am Lan~ haci car.~plctecl his cvntraat .and on Aiot~on duly secondea and carr~~c1, the sa3c~. ~eservoir ~vas accepted. The Standa.rc~ (3ii1 Co. ~,l~rou~h the~r agent C.~!T.b[cCoy, offered to se11 to ~he Ci~:y a seconc~ hand ~ank, anc~ on nio~~.on duly s~C- onclec~ anc~_ c~.rr3ed, the Straet Cor.an. was a~nstruetecl to purchase the tanl:. No fur~her bu~iness appear~n~ and on tilotion the meet~i~.n~; was ad~aurnec~ to ti6'ednescla,y September ~~th, at S"cloct,~, . ~ ~,v I. er~ . . A+.~.e~+~ . ~ 1,iayor. d~ f.~~'. ~,.~t,.,.~~.. ~ r~,,• . - . ` ~j a. r~ v~~ ~ - v~,~~. .