Minutes 1929-10-02 :_~1
23~ ~
~1~x•a;rv t:~ra.nde y Cal if'o:~~r~i~?.,
October 2nd, 1'~~~.
C~.~y Counc~.l met ~n regtaYar session ~v~.th ~.:a,yor C.~.Nob1.c
[~n ro~~. ~a~7. , Coun~iZmen No1a1 ~,Uonraci, Poo~ anci Ca~
reported prescnt~, ~cunc~.?_ma.n ~.:nr^;un, ab~cn~ .
Urz~.~;rro-rec~. minut~~: rea.c~ ar~~t ai~p~~opc~ u^ : e^.d.
(~-1.~,- C~ nr•)r s,;r~? '~'a~+~'~~"?'LY` - ` ' F~r^' n_ '•:•~.~.F'.
ti nills a~a~nst the ~~eneral fl~ncl a.n the. amo~.int af ~7~4.33
were a~.l owec~ an.~ arderea paicl.
B~.~1s a~ainst tl.e water func~ in the sum of~,Sept 2~atl~
~a2~FF,59 anci of Cctobex~ 2, in the sum af ~524.~?4, the bills
were ai~.owea and orclered:paia.
A:r. 14'ixsan cliscussed with the Council a prapos~.t~.on tn ins~all
a water line a1on~ Crancl kvenue, it was the order of ~he Couxzc3.1
that i~ir. ~~`ixson cauld a.nsta.ll seconc~ l~and two a~nch pipe, not to
exceed the sum af one hundrec~. ciallars~. and the ~sa~er l.ills were
ta pay for same.
S~~erintenclen~. a~' ~vater, tvas instructed to extend the water
line throu~h the t~uaresma proper'y.
14~otion m~c1e ancl seconaed and. carried th~,t I+fr. I:~assen~il.1 be
as~;ed to do some work in Creek to protect Raa.l.~vay bria~e.
~o ftirthcr busine~s appear~ng and on r,`o~ion tYze meet3.rt~
~as ac~ j ourned .
Cs ~r C er .
At~est, ~7, r:?a~ror.