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Minutes 1929-10-16
~'~rrc~Ta `'rancle, Cala.farn~a, ._;ctober 1~t~i, 1.92~. t ~.;i.L~,° Counci7. ~;xet a.n re~~,ulax sess~vn ~vi`tli : a~or C:.~.'.Nob1e Prc~ ycling . f~n ro~l call t~ounc~lrien 1;o~1e, Gox az~d I'oole re~or~ea, prese?~t, CoLrncilraen Gonrac~ anc~ =,~~r~,an, absen~ , [Tnapprovecl r.~~nuLes i cac~ and a~provecl. as reac~. I`xac ~'ollativin~ Y~~.l~s ~vere all.owec~ anca. orc?erecl ~aid, . ° i e2~~a~ nn pi~~e i'~ttin~s~, .;;2. J5 On ~notion c~ul;; sec~T7c~ec`~ a~zc1 carra~ec~ ~.t was orclerec~ that -~lie C~t,y ptirchase one clozen Her~ey ~vater r~eters . No fiar~l~her business a~)pcaY ~n~; ~.ncl o~= nio~Lian t~he me~~tin; was ac~journec~,to 1Y'ednescta~r Ust~ober 3a 1:h, a~ ~ Oc~ocl~. I.'.~i. C it~~ C1er1~. 1~~ test, Zo ~CJ i:.ayor. , ~ ~