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Minutes 1929-10-30
. :~7 rGrcJ V ~ .;r• ~ ~ . ~ 11T''royo ~"~ra~nc?e, La1ii ornxa, ~c~;ober u(~tk~, 1.~~~?. C~ty Caunc:il. r_ic1~ pursr.iant ~Lo adjounnment, wit]~ y~-ayor, C. S. Nobl e nreu~c~~.n~ , t.n ro~ 1 ca11, Colinc~].~~-ien ivroble, Conrad, Poa1e ~nd Cog re~oi ~ec~, ~rc~ent Gouncilnian :~or~;an, absen~. C~t,y A~torne~ to'~. t1. Fitz~era~.d presented and reac~ ~tesolution No . 5~, (ne~~~ series ) ~1 Resolut~on rel~t~.n~;:.~o ~LIZe a~ssuGnee of im~roverzen~ boncle , c::C' ~LI~e City o~' ~lrroyo Grande, ptxr~tian~ to I:esolut~vn P~o. 30, (new ~er~.es ) aeterma.nxn~; ~:l~e arnount~ of unpalcl ass~ssm~ ts ~reseribing the c~er~oraina,~t~onti af SL1CI1 bvncls, aracy pro~*a.c~.in~ ~ar i~lieir a.ssuance ancl clel~vcrance. ~i'Iic resolut_i_ori ~v~~;~ ado~~i:ec~. b,y t11e Follot+~.n~; vote, Ayes, -Counc~~.men S~~nb1e, Conracl, I'o~1e anci_ Cox~, Noes, Nane, ~-1Uden~, Councilman, Pa:ar~ an. T~vo laa.~.1 , a~,a,ins~the '.;a.~Ler fL~ncls, ~n favai oa Creor~;e Rue, for :;>xOQC.CO ancl Y~'7CA,';5, jvc3~e al~ojved ancl a~rc~erec~ ~aa~c1. , Tl~e ~it;~r CXc~i~ Y~e~~c1 a con~n.rnica,tion froin Tiurcll anc~ ~'ec~, recomenc~.ing 1;Yie accep~ance oi' thc ~vater l~ne contr~,ct, ana on „~o~ion -~lic recomenclal:3ar~ ~~ras re j ec~l,ec~ un~~.11 such t~.me t~7e Contracto~r~ l~a.c7. cleanec~ up i~rie ~treets. P~~r . T~ .~.~;'i1 son aacl~~e ~ec~ the Caunczl on the su'b j ect of" fire Protectipn, a,nc~ ofFerec~ a. sn1a11. f~.re entine at a nonii~al, cost, no aci;xon ~ra.s talcen on tT~e naa.~tcr . On 'r,iai~ion cltzly .:~E.'CQXIC~.G'C~. aI2Cl a~rriec~ ~t tva,s orclerec~ t~]iat tl~e ~i~}r ha.vc installec~ t~TO 1i~I~t~ on 111.1en Street, one a,~ the ,junct~.on of 11.1~en and Brid~,e ~3tree~ a'nd one at tY~e j~znet~on of' ~11en anc~. txarden ~:treets. ~va further ~i~is~n~s:~ a~~eur~.n~; 'the meetin~ tiva,s c~journ~d, ~ Cat~- C erl~. ' llttes~, iLiayar.