Minutes 1929-11-20 , , ~~Q ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~lrray o Grand.~, Calif~rnza., Nav~r.~ber 20th~ 3.:'~!~. l;its~ ~eunc~i~. ~vet in re~ular sessa.on t~ith C.S.No~ile presicling, . ~n roll ca11 council~en *~a1~I.e, Cox, Pao1e anc~! Co3~rad, rcpartec~, ~,re~~nt, Counaxlman, 1~,=or~an, absen~ . L3na1~pro~~Ac~. zaainuue~ x~~~:~u ^nc',. aT•rrove!~ as rc=~a. . Coznz~tl~~~ca,~aon.~ reaa and Placetl on fail.e. B3x1 s a~a.ins t; i;he tiYater TJ~pt . in the sur~ of ~43 .1 f~ a17, owed ancl orderecl paa~d. ~~.1 so bi11 s a~;ainst the G en . fund, a.n the sttm of ~ 3~ . G(3 allor~ed ancl orderecl. paa.d. Azr . ancl i;Irs . C1 even~~r owners o~~' t:~e 7'anners Ha11 , ca.r~e be~'ore the Council , anc~ aNl~ed. assistara~ce ~n I~eepin~ order at the Sr,"i,~'illX'C~.c`~)r ~i~xit tiances, ancl i~, was tt~e order oi' the Cuunci7. 1;hat ~Lhc Ch~.ef of i'n1~ce, secure some ~.ssa~stance in ::~cp:in~ order at _ the ~aturaa,y night dances . ~n :~~la~ian 3.G ~va~ ordered ~Lha.t t~ae ~upervisvrs be asked ~a clean up the Bra~nch County Ja~.1, or turn i.t over to the City Gov~rnment. '1'he ~i1j)t of ~trcet° was instructec7. to lool~ ai'ter t?~e curb at the whitele,y S-~reet fi11, alzc~ -~}~e ~~ater au~lets. caz~unuz~~cation tti~,s r~eaa from the 5ea~;rave Go. of' ~-vs Angeles, o1'fer:~ng to se11 ~o ~L~~e City used fii e~n~;ine. I~fo i'urther bus~ness a~penx~zl~~ anr~ on ':otion the mee~~,n~ was ~,d j ourned. . i~y Clerlti. ~~Utest, ~ ~,~a.yar. ~ • F ~ C ~