Minutes 1930-02-05 , ~ ~ :~46 ~ ~ ~ ~ Arrvyo Gr~nd~~ California~ G~ , ~~bruary StM~ I930 Ci.ty Council m~t in regulsx e~~~ioM xi~h ~tayvr C.S.Nob~• prsiiding. ~n ro;l call Councilmen Nsbl~, M~rgan, Comr4d, P~wl~ and C.~, r~port~d pr~ee~t, I~on• abeent. Unapproved minut~s rra~d and npprrved ~?s r~ad. ~ R~port of Of~'ic~rre read eh~wing 4 c~?eh ba?lance in th~ Tr~a,eury af ~~~06.GD in th~ G~n~rs~l fund~ a,nd the rrat~r fund ehowe a cw~h b41~nc• of ~IQ27.90 th• rsporte w~r~ acc~p~~d a,nd placed on file. ~ ~3ills ag~inet thr Gtnera~~ fund 4m~unting t• ~D63.8I and ~ga,inet the W~ttr D~pt. Fund in th~ eum of 27I.B8 the bills w~re allowad and ordored p4id. Mr. L.~.Northrpp repree~nting tht Neptune M~ter Qo. w4e preeent and entfrrd into 4 aontract ~ith th• City C~uncil to buy tri• large metere for ~h~ eum et ~I~aQ.O~ 4nd ths Cmunail a?gree+d to buy 5~ Tridant w4t~r m~t~re at $II.~S each. the City ~o c?rder th~ m~t~re ~ur~ when needed. ~ , Ordln~ncie N~.38, an Qrdinanaa r~g~4tiag th• wat~er eyet~m r~a~ read and p4~eed t~.r~~r.rewdin~ by th• 2'o7.lsrring v~te~ ASrse, N~bl~, C~nrad, Moxgan~ P~ol• a,nd C~x~ , I2i~e ~ 1a0n• Abs~nt, non• N• further buain~~re appeering 4nd on l~oti~n th• irtaeting w~e ad~ourn~d. r . ~y Ciy •ar. Att~et~ . d, ,M~,y~r.