Minutes 1930-02-19 . ; Arroya Grand~ Cali:fornia, ~ ~'sbruary ~Ath~ I834 . City Counoi~ met in ragular eee~ic?n with ~a,yor C. S. Nob1~ pra~iding. ~ . • < dri roll cal~., Counci~men Noble, Cor~rad~ Poolo and Cax, reported pree~ont, ~ounailn?4n Morgsn, absent. ~'napproved minutee read and approvod ae read. A~ommun~cation from ths All~s-.Chalmers Company xead and placed on t'ilr. Ordinsnam No. 38- An ~rdina,nae of the City of Arroyo Grande providing for th~ ragulation nf water rate~ to ba mado by ths m City of Arroyo Grande,Por rre~tor serviEer and providing rul~s and regulatione Por the water Depsrtment of said City of Arroyd ~ Grgnde ~ Th~ Ordinane• rrg~ paseed second reading and•ordsred printed by the Sol~avring vots. . ~yeq, Counoilm~n~Noble, Conrad, Poola and Cox, • Noeg~ ~ouncilmen, Non~. Ab~mnt, Counailm~n Morgan. R~eQ;uti.on No.bI, A re$olution of the City o~ Arraya Grande cre4ting Al~,en Str~at a bou~evard~ wae read e~nd p~s~ed by t2m ~ollowing vote~ ~ ; , ~ ~yeu. Councilmen, Noble,, Cor~r~d, Poolo and Cox. No~~~ Counoilmen, Nono Ab~ent, Councilman~ Morgan. Motion by Poo].e ~eaonded by Canrad. it rrae ordered tha~ a11 metere puroh4~ed in tha next t~?o yrar~ will bo Hereay ~[otmra. No further bu~ino~s appearing and on ~[pticn the meeting vras as~ ourned. r ~ . ~ • yI OT ~ O < Atte~t, Tc • ,a~~, Mayor. ,i s i ~ a ~ ~ , ~ .