Minutes 1930-03-05 _
248 :
Arr~yo Grs~ndc~ Cali~orni,a~,
' - Marah ~5th~ I930.
City Counvil mat in rogulas eee~ion with
Maypr C. 3. Nob1a presiding. _ .
On roll ca~l~, all ~emb~re of the Caunail repartid,present.
Unr~pprvv~d m ir~utee r~ad a?nd apprcv~d a~ re4d.
A acmmunic4tion frorn ths Autom~blle alub of
Sautharn Callfornia,.wa~ read and plaosd on Fi1e.
Repox~e of City Clark, ~re~~urer 4nd Pvlice Judg~,
and on ~dotion ~~ne t~a,e acoept~d.
Clerk ~nd Trs4eurer report shor4 bala3ace of ea~h
in the Treasury, oF $II44.6~ (,Gsneral fund.~
Bi].le a?g~inet the General ~'und in th~ atnount ot
~974.I4 wa~ allow~zd and ordermd paid.
Bi11~ againet the ~?ater fund in the 4mount of
~22I.DIswa~~ allowed and ordered paid. ,
The Counail appointed fpr el~ction Offia~ra the
$nspec tor, Lily C. Caeteel
Judg~~ Ad4 A. $p,ldvrin,
Clerk, l~e C. K~tchum, `
C1 erk Edi th T~ Bi ~hap. ,
• ~
An ~dotion of Poo7.e ~acanded b~r Conrad a.t ara~ ordsr~d
th~,t the C1erk bs a11Q~red to hire an s~sistant fnr a month.
, *7o further busine~s ~ppa~ring and aM A~oti~n
ths meeting w4a ~d~QUrn~d.
q •rk.
~ Atteat, ~ Mayor,