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Minutes 1930-05-19
Arr~~o arands, C41~.fernia ~aacchlDth, I93~. ~ , ~ C~.ty C~uncil met in regula~r s~~~airn with M4ysr C.B.Nohie pro~iding. On call Councilmsn Noble, Conr~d, Pa~le ~nd Cex repmrt~ed, preesnt~ Ciuneilma,n l~~rgan, abe~nt. . Unappr~v~d minutee r~ad 4nd appxo~red a~ resd. NOTIC~ OF ELECTiON ~ Tho f~llowing n~tice o~' •lection wae paegsd and ord~red printed. Notice~ is horeby giv~n that a~ G~n~r41 Municipa]. slactien will b~ held in th• City o~' Arroyo Gr~nde, ~n M~nda~y Apr~,i ' T4th~ I930~ ~mr th~ foxl~xing purprsoe; Twa Ceunvilmen fmr th~ ful]. t~rm, vt' B~ur(~);y~ars: Thar• will b• 0ne v~ting.pr~ecinat f~r thi purp~ee ~f halding eaid e~.actimn, c~neibting of ~ c~ns~lida,tion •f th~ r~gui~r elaation procincte establieh~d for ho],ding ~tst• ~,nd C~unty el~ction~. a~ t'o1~a~r~: Conevlidat~d pr~ainct"A" Compri~ei,ng St4te and County preaincte numb~re ene and two, 4nd th• p~11Sng plQO~ ~Y~are~#' ehall b~ ~h~ City Hall. Tho poll~ rrill bi ~p~n betw~~n th~ hqurs ~f 8 ~cl~ak A.~d. ~,nd B Oc].~ck P.~. of a43d day. Dat~d ~asah IBth~ I9S~, , Sign~d, , B. F.'~" t ew~?]r t~ ; City Clsrk. Th~ fo].l.owin~ p~reone w~re appointad by th• Ci~y C~uncil fvr the purpoee aF a~nducting th• said I~unio3.pa1 electi~n ta b~ held rn th. I4th, da,y of Lprd~~, ~93Q . Ine~pect~r L11].y C. C~steel, Judg~, Ad4 A. Baldwim, ~ Clexk Ma~• C . 'K~tchum, Cie~rg Edith Biehop. Mr. E.J.N~~+bogin repres~nting tht Ammr~aan Kubb~r M~,nufac turing Co. addres~ad the Cvuncil an ths n~ed of an a,mpl~ ~upply ot' fira hoee, in •rd~r to g~t ~ur fir~ ~asuranoe reduced, and aft~r a dieeueei~n it w~s •rdered that the Council ord~r 500 feet 9f new fire hoee, and ~ha ~ay~r, eigned s~ oontract f~r aam~. - ~atimn made ~hd eocended and c~?rr~.ed that th• City ~,dv~rti~~ for a~lr the gaxvanizad ir~n t4nk loaated Qn Crown Hill. N• furthor bu~inees appr4ring ths m~eting nae ad~ourneQ. ~ ' tq ~r . Att~st~ . 1~4yor. v ~