Minutes 1930-04-02 . : , M..7"~ r o ~ `g ' ~ R F ~ I , ~ Arr~y~ Gr~ndo~ Califarniw, , April 2nd, I930. Ci~y Cou~jcil m~t in regular~a~seisn with , ~ay~x C. B~ N~bl~ gresiding. ~ On r~11 ~~,11~ C~unailm~n Nobl~ Cvnr~,d, P~ol• and.C~x r~ported, prsaent, Ceunc~lma,n Morgan abment. Un~,pprav~d minut~a ris~d 4nd appr~v~d a~ rr4d. ~ A oominunicati~.on Trrm thr LMagu~ of CAliforni4 ~unioip~l.iti~s, •n the sub~~ct t'ly ext~rmin~tirn wa,e roAd ~nd placed •n fil~. ~ < < R~p~rte from thi Cler]~ and Tr~aeursr read ~hoxing . a mwl~.nca aP caeh in the Tre~rrury af ~II26.~9 in th~ Gsndral fund nnd ~I385.IQ 3n th~ Rater fund. the rep~rte w~rs ordered fil~d. ~ ~~~~x~t~c~~ ~~~~~~x~x ~ ~ !t xxxxxxxx < < Bill~ again~t th• G~n~ral P~nd in th• su~n rP~8g2.85 and ths w4t~r fund in the ~um. •f ~249.92, thsxxane • ~r~r~ read 4nd rn M~tion ws~e •sd~~r~d paid. ~ro furth~r busin~ee~ app~ari.ng and rn M~tivn ths ~ne~ting was ~d~rurned. ' ~ /~P~ ~ • y •r . Attaat~ ~o • ~ ~d4yor: • < <