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Minutes 1930-04-16
25l , ~ Arr~ya Gra~nde, C4lifornir~, . Apri7. I6th, I93Q. City C.uncil m~t in regu~ar sa~eivn with I~,yqr C.5.Nob3.• pre~i.ding. an r011 call C~uncilm~n rTmblf~ Conrad, Pomlo and Cox report~d, present, C~uncilman ~GQrgan, abeent. [Tn4pprvved~ minute~ re~,d gnd s~pprov~d a,~s reea,d. Communic~,timne r~ad s~nd plaeed on fil~. ' A,pplicat3~n r~c•iv~?d fr0m J. R. BlancO, f'er right t~ aonneot ti ~uat~r maine, and ~a,m~ wa,e gr~nted. Th• Clerk sa~ inetructed t~ ~+rite tM.e Ca,~t Iron Pipa C~mpany about tha breaking of tha ~ight inah m41ne~ aldo t~ ~rder a,fe~r ~oir~te oi' tha eight inoh pip~. A. Ha.wk3ne wa,~ inetructed ts lny eixty feet of tw• inah pige~ boginning an Le Paizxt Street, a,nd running North~r7.y a.lnng Cr~ee Str~et, taward th• F.J.K~llsy R~sid~no~. Nm ~`urther busin~~e a,ppoa~ar~ng 4nd ~n I~ati~n th• m~e~t~.ng w~.~ ad,~ ournsd. . City C er . Att~et yar. . ~ ~ _ ~ ; ~ ; ~ ~ ~ , , i b . ~