Minutes 1930-04-21
' :r.*7
' C~
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G ~
I ~
ArrOy• Grande, C~,lifernia,
4 April 2let, I9~0. ~
Gi.ty Counail met acoording t~ 1aw~ ~'or the purp~ea aF c4nv4-
eeing th~ re~turns of tho xagula.r municip~l el~ction held on B~ond4y
April ~4th~I930, and af,t~r canva.e~,ing th~ e4id r~tuxns. the Cler~
, pre~entsd tho foll.~~ving; ree~lution.
~''f~EHEAS, s~ ganera,l munioipwl electi~n wae held and c~nduct~d in ths
City oP Arrmy• Gr~,nde, ~n ~.onday the I4, da,y ~f April,x930.
a~ ~r~quirad by 1a,w.
AND ~iF~EAS, ~t a,pp~are that nmtic~ ~41d •lecti~n r~n~ duly and
1~~a11y given, thr~t v~ting pr~cinct~ w~r~ praperly set~bli~h~d, that
~1~atiNn •ffic~r~ wore appoint~d s~nd eleati~n auppli.~~ furnish~d, and
that in all reepeata ~said alsction wa,e held and a~nduct~d and th~
v.t~e~ ca,et th~roa.t received and c~nva~t~sd, a.nd th• r~turne th~r~vf,
made~dst~rm~ned a~nd decl~,rsd i.n time, fmrm 4nd mannex ae rsquired by
the general law~ of the St~,ts previdi~g fsr and regula,ting municip4l
el~c tirns in Citiee ef ~hs fif th and eixth alaes,
AND WHEKEAS, tYaa (~ity C~u3~cil af eaid City me~t ~,t ths C~unai~
ahs~mber th:reof on P~onday, tht 2I~t day oP Apri].~ I930, c~,nvaae
th• returns ~f ea,id ~r7.~cti~n and in~ta,ll the new3y el~ctmd •~'fie~rs;
a,nd wherea~e the Counoil finde a.g a r~sult ~f eaid canva~sa that th~
number ~P votee oAet~ th• namee •f th• p~r~~ne v~~~d fsr, and •ther
ma,ttere rrquired by law, t~ be her~inafter ~tat~d, n~w thorefere it i~
HESOLVED, dstermin~d ~nd declared ~e f~ll~we:
. ~
Th~,t eaid rogular municip~,l el~cti~n wae held and conduct~d in th•
City of Arroy• Gxa.nde, 4n ~:`~nday, th~ I4th dp,y of April, I930, in ~
~tim~, form and m4nner a,e xequir~d by lnw.
~'hat there wa~ on~ v~ting pr~cinet eetAb~.iehed in ~a,id City f~r
the purpoge of haldin~ eaid electi~n, ae t'ollowe;
c~neolidated precinct "Ap , b~ing c~neolid~tion ~f #,3~=xxxx
precincte ~?o. pne and R~o. tw~ of tha City of Arroyv Cra~nde, e~t4b1-
iehvd t'or holdizag Statc a,nd Ceunty al~atirns.
~hst thr who;e number vvt~~ caet in ~4~d City of Arroyo Gr4ndr
in ~aid electi~n wa,e 222.
Th~.t t~he n~meg of tha per~~ns vot~d for, tho offi.cee f~r ahich
~iey v~ere voted, ~h~ numbc?r eS' v~tm~ raoeivtd by ~es~ch of said per~mne
in e4id pre~incte, together w~th th• whole number of v~tee ~rh~ch
tY~ey received i.n the •ntire ~ity wsr~ Qe f~llowe;
Ns~m~ ~f p~araenr~ Ot'ficee vated for, Pr~cinct, Total votes
voted fvx, "
u od~eph S. Gibs~n, Ceunailm~n fuil t~rm "A" Z47 "
J .L .W~bb Mo~r~ ~ " " " " I68 ~
Cha~. Thela,ndsr, " u n Ip4 "
Jse~ph S. Gibe~n ~?a~ ~~ect~d a, member af the City G~uncil f'~r trie~
full term ~f rour yaars;, fr~m a,nd wfter ?"mnday, April 2let, I930
~,nd untill hi~ euccee~rx hs~e been olso'~~d a~nd in~tall~d.
J. L. W.bb ~,~more w~,a ~l~ected a m~mbsr •f tha City Cauncil f~r th.e
fu11 term of four ye~.re~, frem a~nd a~fter r.FOnd4y A~r~l ~Tet, I930/
and untill hia eucae~.~.ox_ ha?e been ~lsat.d and inetalled.
I, th~ under~ei~ned, h~reby cert~.fy that th~ for~gv3ng He?~o~ution ~
w~~ a~d~ptsd by ~tha C~ty CC~u3~ci1 vf th~ City cf Arroy n Gx~~,nde a~t 4
m~eting ther~4P held fln ~~ndgy, ~pril 2let~ I93Q. bY '~h~ ~'mx~owing
v~ tt ~
.Ay~m, C~unci].m~rk,_ ~~~bl~; Crn~~d, Poolo a,nd Cax,
rrw•~ p rror,~, - ~ ~ ~ _
Ab~~nt " , ~:~orga~n, - -
- ' C ~y ~r .
Continued fr.r~ pa~~ ~52.
~ Th~ Cl~rk sh~,l,l ~nter upon the rrcmrd~r of th• C~ui~ci.l a
eta,t~ms3~t ( I) ahawing the whole numbex vot~s c~at ie e4id
Ci.ty~(k~ ths riames of the pex~ons vated ~or (3) the ~Pfive fa~r
whl.ch es~ch pm~eon wad vvted fax (4) tha numbar Sf vv~~s giv~n
at each precinct to e~?ch ~uch p~r~ona (5) th~ number of
votee gi.von in eaid City ,to ea~ch af ~uch p~r~one, thr .taerm
fmr whioh thoy werare eleot~d.
There being,no fur`th~r bu~ineee to.c~m~ b~fore thi~ meeting
wnd mr~ rdotimnn thin B~a,rd d~ee now ad~aurn.
, ~ L.-
City CIQ~'k.
Atteet, , Mayor.
Arroy~ Grande Csrli'fornia,
April 2let, I930.
The City C~unail wa~ calle~d t~ arder by the Ci.ty Cle~rk,
and ~ Joseph S. Gib~~n w~.a ah~ec+n te~npora~ry Chairma,n, af~ Naya~,
The tempv~'ary Mayav aeked far nsmiri~~s for thf off~.c~ rf
?dAyOr~ ~,nd t~ar. W. A. Conrad wa~ pla,aod in nmminqtivn, and
there be~.n~ no further naminntione, and on r~mti~n Mr.
~.A,Conrad ws~e decl4red ~~Taymr, and wae duly inets~ll~d ae
1°~~yor of tho City af Arroyv Grgnde~ .
The r:~~yor app4ln~~d the fall.sw~,ng permanent cimmi.tt~~e~,
Stre~ts and xown 1~nd~, ?•~~or~a,n, Pools and r~oore,
Financa, - Panl~, Gib$on a,nd ~dorgan
, Po].ica -firm und ~a~il. Pmm~e, Moore and Gibeori,
J.L.Wtbb I~ovra ~,nd J~~~ph S. Gib~on, fil.ed the~r oath ezf
Office a,nd they wer~ a:tt~st~d by th~ Clerk~ af the City
Arrmy~ Gra,nde.
~h~aFe b~ing no further businass to a~me bef~re the
memt~ng, the Boaacd dore ~nmw ad~murn.
C ty Clerk.
Att , , ?~a~y~r.
_ _ _ .