Minutes 1930-05-07 ~
254 ~
Arroyo Grand~, Califarnia~
May ~~th~ I930.
City C.uncil mat in regulas ere~i~n with
W. ~i. Conr~d, ~ayor, preeiding.
On roll a411, Couneilmsn Conr4d, Mmrgan~ Prrl~ Gi.b~•n
a,nd °JCo~r~r rep~xt~d, pxe+~~rrt, n~ne abe~nt.
Unapprovvd minutae rer~d and ~ppraved ae read.
~epsxt~ ~F Offia~re, acep~rt~ of City ~lerk and City
Tr~aeuar~ rea,d and pl~ced on file.
• C
Jreeph Gib~~n, City Tr~4eur~r p~;1~e~en~~d hib r~si~-
nativn a,~ City Trea~ursr, r~nd on ~Fmtion th• re~igna,tion
wa,s accepted, Mar. Gibewn pr~erntrd the name o~' R~tiee
Wen~n~ S~ulabuxy, to.~ ~'~11 tho un~xpix'od te?rm of City
. Tr.m~?eurar, and on ~~ti.rn duly eic~ndad and cs~rri~d~
T~iiae S~u~ebury wa,e dsclar~d a].ectad ta tho o~'fic~ o~'
City Tr~a~urar, ta fill tk~.e unsxpix~d tsrm ~t J~daph
5. ~Gibe~n, rssigned. .
City Ci~rk H.F.St~~rar~ wa~ 411swed tw• weeke v~,cati~n,
anc~ ~![re. Leetr4 Kyte wae appoint~d de~uty C~erk, ~:er
the two vreeka.
Bille gg~,inet th.e ~eneral Pund in tho ~um •~~9Y0.65
and ag~inat th• W~ter ~und in th~ eum of ~28~.3~ w.~e
~ ~llt~wmd ~and ~rderad pAid.
Th~ City C1~rk was ,inetruated to a~k Mr. Schnydmr
ta keep th~ faront of hie ~hop ~e frec aa p~~~~ibl~ ~
~'r•m machinery ~f va~ri~ue kinde, as e~,me wae ~
becom~.ng ~ nuieanc~, ~nd da~ngerous t~ p~d~etriane
p4~eing alpn~ the eideawalk. ~ -
Nr further buei~nee~ agpsaring and •n ~~otian tYk~~,
wae ada~urned,
. City Cler .
Atta~t, , ~ayor.